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Cutlery basket, Indesit dishwasher - 120 mm x 160 mm

Cutlery basket, Indesit dishwasher - 120 mm x 160 mm
  • Shipping £6.95
  • 14 days return policy
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  • Ratings
  • Height
    120 mm
  • Width
    160 mm
  • Length
    208 mm

This cutlery basket for Indesit dishwashers can be placed over the lower basket's plate holders, as it has two grooves in the bottom. The distance between the grooves is approximately 100 mm.
Cutlery basket for Indesit dishwashers with 8 divided compartments.
The product is only suitable for models with commercial code as listed after the dash.

D2FHD624A - 869991663050
D2FHD624AS - 869991663030
D2FHK26 - 869991662760
D2FHK26BUK - 869991662800
D2FHK26S - 869991662770
D2FHK26SUK - 869991662790
D2FHK26UK - 869991662780
D2IHD524A - 869991662920
D2IHD526A - 869991662900
D2IHD526AS - 869991663790
D2IHD526UK - 869991662910
D2IHKL326 - 869991662750
D2IHL326 - 869991662710
D2IHL326S - 869991662740
D2IHL326UK - 869991662720
DBC3C24ACX - 869991589780
DBC3C26X - 869991624520
DBE2B19AB - 869991586870
DBE2B19AX - 869991587270
DBE2B19UK - 869991586910
DFC2B+16 - 869991589960
DFC2B+16ACX - 869991590240
DFC2B+16S - 869991589970
DFC2B+16SUK - 869991589470
DFC2B+16UK - 869991589440
DFC2B+19AC - 869991589590
DFC2B+19ACX - 869991590510
DFC2C24A - 869991589770
DFC2C24AX - 869991589580
DFC2C24B - 869991590540
DFC2C24UK - 869991589750
DFE1B10 - 869991589410
DFE1B1913 - 869991589380
DFE1B1914 - 869991589390
DFE1B19BUK - 869991589480
DFE1B19S - 869991589430
DFE1B19UK - 869991588830
DFE1B19X - 869991589950
DFE1B19XUK - 869991589450
DFG2635EU - 869990619380
DFO3C23A - 869991589630
DFO3C23ACUK60HZ - 869991590290
DFO3C23ACXUK60HZ - 869991590300
DFO3C23AX - 869991589650
DFO3C23XUK - 869991590310
DFO3C26 - 869991590560
DFO3C26X - 869991590580
DFP5841MEX - 859990832010
DFP5841MNXEX - 869990832000
DIC3B+16A - 869991586740
DIC3B+16ACS - 869991586780
DIC3B+16AS - 869991586660
DIC3B+16UK - 869991586750
DIC3B+19 - 869991586670
DIC3C24 - 869991586680
DIC3C24A - 869991586790
DIC3C24ACS - 869991586800
DIE2B19 - 869991586850
DIE2B19A - 869991586400
DIE2B19AS - 869991586730
DIE2B19UK - 869991586710
DIFP48 - 869990606860
DIO3C24ACE - 869991586820
DMIE2B19 - 869991586420
DOFC2B+16 - 869991590480
DOFC2B+16S - 869991590490
I3BL626UK - 869991670890
I3BL634B - 869991677140
I3BL634X - 869991677130
I3FD641AX - 869991679800
I3FDL634OS - 869991681000
I3FL634O - 869991681050
I3FL634OS - 869991680980
I3ID534A - 869991680660
I3ID741O - 869991678320
ID3ID741O - 869991678450
IDINC316B+A - 869991656230
IDINC324CA - 869991656330
IDINE219B - 869991656190
IN2IC14BN7S1 - 869991692200

and other models…
Rating for Cutlery basket, Indesit dishwasher - 120 mm x 160 mm
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  In stock. Del. 3-5 work days.
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