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Drum paddle, Hoover washing machine

Drum paddle, Hoover washing machine
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This product is an alternative version, which can be used as a replacement for the original. The product might vary from the previous edition in shape, colour etc.

This drum paddle for Hoover washing machines distributes the load of washing evenly while the machine is operating. 
The product is only suitable for models with ident no. as listed after the dash.

AWDPD4138LH/1-S - 31008476
AWDPD4138LH180 - 31008754
AWDPD4138LHR180 - 31008554
AWDPD4138LHR1S - 31008477
AWDPD4149LHR1S - 31010148
AWMPD413LH780 - 31008753
AWMPD413LH7B-80 - 31008532
AWMPD413LH7R/1-S - 31008474
AWMPD413LH7R-80 - 31008533
AWMPD414LH7R1S - 31010151
DMP413AH/1-37 - 31006813
DMP413AH/1-S - 31006420
DMP413AIW3/1-80 - 31006661
DMT413AH/1-47 - 31006490
DWFL413AH8/1-47 - 31007794
DWFT412AH3/1-80 - 31008077
DWFT413AH/1-07 - 31007365
DWFT413AH/1-30 - 31007191
DWFT413AH/1-37 - 31007595
DWFT413AH8/1-01 - 31007942
DWFT413AH8/1-80 - 31007878
DWFTSS413AH8/1-S - 31007961
DWOA412AHC8180 - 31009508
DWOA412AHC8B80 - 31009507
DWOA412HLFN380 - 31009538
DWOA413AHFN880 - 31009506
DWOA413HLC3G80 - 31009564
DWOL410AHR1AUS - 31007833
DWOL412AH7/1-47 - 31007791
DWOL412AHR1AUS - 31007830
DWOL413AHC3/1-S - 31007506
DWOT4135AHF7BEGY - 31010319
DWOT4135AHFREGY - 31010137
DWOT413AHC3/1-S - 31007507
DWOT413AHCS/1-04 - 31007749
DWT413AH/1-S - 31006415
DWT413AHS/1-S - 31006418
DWTL413AIW3/1-8 - 31006532
DWTSS134AIB3/1- - 31006530
DWTSS134AIW3/1- - 31006533
DXOA412AHFN-80 - 31007909
DXP412AIW3/1-80 - 31006534
DXT410AH/1-AUS - 31006651
MG13014520BHG - 31008063
WDMT4138AH/1-47 - 31006486
WDMT4138AH/1-84 - 31007087
WDMT4138AH/1-S - 31006422
WDMT4138AH/3-17 - 31007174
WDMT4138AHS/1-04 - 31007403
WDMT4138AI2/1-8 - 31006737
WDWF4138AHB-80 - 31008107
WDWFL4138AH-47 - 31007774
WDWFLG4138AH-84 - 31007543
WDWFT4108AH-S - 31007466
WDWFT4118AH-01 - 31007948
WDWFT4138AH-01 - 31007900
WDWFT4138AH-37 - 31007546
WDWFT4138AH-80 - 31007939
WDWFT498AH-01 - 31007949
WDWOT4358AHFBEGY - 31010318
WDWOT4358AHFREGY - 31010138
WDWT4118AHC-S - 31007467
WDWT4138AHC-S - 31007468
WDXA4118AH/1-17 - 31007265
WDXA4118AH/1-S - 31006987
WDXOA4118AH/1-17 - 31008342
WDXOA4118AH-47 - 31007776
WDXOA4118AHC-01 - 31008604
WDXOA488AHC-S - 31007495
WDXOAG4118AHC-84 - 31008538
WDXOAG4138AHC-84 - 31008021
WDXOAG477H-84 - 31008022
WDXOAG488AHB84 - 31008827
WDXPBH4117AI2/1 - 31006988
WDXT4118AH/1-07 - 31007367

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