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Glass turntable, Whirlpool microwave - 360 mm

Glass turntable, Whirlpool microwave - 360 mm
  • Shipping £6.95
  • 14 days return policy
  • Product info
  • Doubts?
  • Ratings
  • Height
  • Width
  • Depth
  • Length
  • Data
  • Diameter
    360 mm
  • Colour
  • Material
  • Volt/watt
  • Difficulty
    of 5 (1= Easy / 5= Complex)
This product is an alternative version, which can be used as a replacement for the original. The product might vary from the previous edition in shape, colour etc.

The product is only suitable for models with service no. as listed after the dash.

AMW102 - 858710254022
AMW103 - 858710354022
AMW111 - 858711154001
AMW112 - 858711254001

AMW503/IX - 858750301900
AMW503/IX - 858750301902
AMW503/IX - 858750301901
AMW504/IX - 858750401900
AMW504/IX - 858750401902
AMW504/IX - 858750401901
AMW505/IX - 858750501900
AMW505/IX - 858750501902
AMW505/IX - 858750501901
AMW505/IX - 858750515900
AMW506/IX - 858750601900
AMW506/NB - 858750601920
AMW506/WH - 858750601940
AMW506/SD - 858750601960
AMW507/IX - 858750729900
AMW507/IX - 858750729902
AMW508/IX - 858750801910
AMW508/IX - 858750801911
AMW508/IX - 858750881900
AMW509/IX - 858750929901
AMW509/IX - 858750929900
AMW515/IX - 859991010410
AMW544IX - 858754401793
AMW544IX - 858754401794
AMW544IX - 858754401795
AMW545/IX - 858754501791
AMW545/IX - 858754501792
AMW545/IX - 858754501900
AMW545/IX - 858754501901
AMW545/IX - 858754501903
AMW545IX - 858754518793

AMW796IX - 858779601791
AMW797IX - 858779701791
AMW797IX - 858779701792
AMW798IX - 858779801793
AMW798IX - 858779801794
AMW798/IX - 858779801900
AMW798/IX - 858779801901
AMW798/IX - 858779801903
AMW799IX - 858779901793
AMW799IX - 858779901794
AMW799/IX - 858779901900
AMW799/IX - 858779901901
AMW799/IX - 858779901903

AMW800IX - 858780001793
AMW800IX - 858780001794
AMW800/IX - 858780001900
AMW800/IX - 858780001903
AMW808IXL - 858780801741
AMW808IXL - 858780801742
AMW808/IXL - 858780801910
AMW808/IXL - 858780801911
AMW808/IXL - 858780801913
AMW808IX - 858780810793

AMW812/IX - 858781201791
AMW812/IX - 858781201792
AMW812/IX - 858781201900
AMW812/IX - 858781201901
AMW812/IX - 858781201902
AMW812/IXL - 858781229910
AMW812/IXL - 858781229911
AMW813IX - 858781301792
AMW814IX - 858781401791
AMW814IX - 858781401792
AMW815IX - 858781529791
AMW815IX - 858781529792
AMW815/IX - 858781529900
AMW815/IX - 858781529901
AMW815/IX - 858781529902
AMW816IX - 858781629791
AMW816IX - 858781629792
AMW816/IX - 858781629900
AMW816/IX - 858781629901

AMW820IX - 858782001793
AMW820NB - 858782001493
AMW820WH - 858782001293
AMW820IX - 858782001794
AMW820/IX - 858782001900
AMW820/IX - 858782001901
AMW820/IX - 858782001903
AMW820IX - 858782015793
AMW820WH - 858782015293
AMW820WH - 858782015294
AMW820IX - 858782015794
AMW820/IX - 858782015900
AMW823IX - 858782301793
AMW823IX - 858782301794
AMW825IX - 858782501793
AMW825IX - 858782501794

AMW830IX - 858783029794
AMW830IX - 858783029795
AMW830IX - 858783029796
AMW831IX - 858783110793
AMW831WH - 858783110293
AMW831NB - 858783110493
AMW831WH - 858783110294
AMW831NB - 858783110494
AMW831IX - 858783110794
AMW831NB - 858783110495
AMW831IX - 858783110795
AMW831/IX - 858783110900
AMW831/IX - 858783110901
AMW831/IX - 858783110903
AMW831IXL - 858783138741
AMW831IXL - 858783138742
AMW831IXL - 858783138743
AMW831/IXL - 858783138910
AMW831/IXL - 858783138911
AMW831/IXL - 858783138913
AMW832IXL - 858783238741
AMW832IX - 858783238794
AMW832IXL - 858783238742
AMW832IX - 858783238795
AMW832IXL - 858783238743
AMW832/IXL - 858783238910
AMW832/IXL - 858783238911
AMW832/IXL - 858783238913
AMW832/IXL - 858783238912
AMW833IX - 858783301794
AMW833WH - 858783301294
AMW833NB - 858783301494
AMW833MR - 858783301694
AMW833WH - 858783301295
AMW833NB - 858783301495
AMW833MR - 858783301695
AMW833IX - 858783301795
AMW833WH - 858783301296
AMW833NB - 858783301496
AMW833IX - 858783301796

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Rating for Glass turntable, Whirlpool microwave - 360 mm
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