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Lamp, Bauknecht microwave - 12V/10W (halogen)

Lamp, Bauknecht microwave - 12V/10W (halogen)
  • Shipping £6.95
  • 14 days return policy
  • Product info
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  • Ratings
  • Height
  • Width
  • Depth
  • Length
  • Data
    G4 - 300°C
  • Diameter
  • Colour
  • Material
  • Volt/watt
  • Difficulty
    of 5 (1= Easy / 5= Complex)

Please note that replacement of Lamp in the microwave should only be performed by persons with technical insight. High-voltage components are present in a microwave oven, which in the event of negligence or improper intervention can result in severe electric shock, which in some cases can be life-threatening.
This Bauknecht microwave bulb has a G4 fitting.
The product is only suitable for models with service no. as listed after the dash.

BLZM7060IN - 858919016710
BLZM7230IN - 858919001710
BMES8145IXL - 858919616910
BMES8145PT - 858919601710
BMES8145PT - 858919601910
BMTMS8145SW - 858919201920
BMTMS9145IXL - 858919801740
BMTMS9145IXL - 858919801910
BMTMS9145PT - 858919801710
DMCG6145IN - 858919301710
DMCG6245IN - 858919401710
DMCG7245IN - 858919501710
EMCCD5140AL - 858915161640
EMCCD5140IN - 858915161710
EMCCD5140SW - 858915161410
EMCCD6140AL - 858916101640
EMCCD6140AL - 858916120640
EMCCD6140IN - 858916101710
EMCCD6140IN - 858916120710
EMCCD6140IN - 858916120712
EMCCD6244IN - 858916601710
EMCCD6344IN - 858915661710
EMCCD6344IN - 858916661710
EMCCE8145PT - 858964016720
EMCCS5140AL - 858915320640
EMCCS5140IN - 858915320710
EMCCS5140SW - 858915320410
EMCCS5140WS - 858915320210
EMCCS5660IX - 858915316710
EMCCS7140IN - 858917320710
EMCCS8660IN - 858918316710
EMCCS8660IN - 858918416710
EMCCS8660SW - 858918316410
EMCCS8660SW - 858918416410
EMCCS8660WS - 858918316210
EMCCS8660WS - 858918416210
EMCCT9145IXL - 858964801740
EMCCT9145PT - 858964801720
EMCHD5140AL - 858915212640
EMCHD5140IN - 858915212710
EMCHD6140AL - 858916212640
EMCHD6140IN - 858916201640
EMCHD6140IN - 858916201710
EMCHD6140IN - 858916212710
EMCHD6244AL - 858916701640
EMCHD6244IN - 858916701710
EMCHD7140IN - 858917212710
EMCHD7244IN - 858917701710
EMCHD8145PT - 858965201720
EMCHD8145PT - 858965216720
EMCHD8145SW - 858965201420
EMCHD8145SW - 858965216420
EMCHD9145PT - 858965601720
EMCHE8143PT - 858961001720
EMCHE8144PT - 858962001720
EMCHE8145ES - 858965001420
EMCHE8145EW - 858965001220
EMCHE8145PT - 858965001720
EMCHS5140AL - 858915415640
EMCHS5140AL - 858915420640
EMCHS5140IN - 858915401710
EMCHS5140IN - 858915415710
EMCHS5140IN - 858915420710
EMCHS5660IN - 858915416710
EMCHS5760IN - 858915516710
EMCHS6140ALU - 858916412640
EMCHS6140IN - 858916412710
EMCHS6144AL - 858915801640
EMCHS6144IN - 858915801710
EMCHS6145IN - 858915901710
EMCHS6244AL - 858916801640
EMCHS6244IN - 858916801710
EMCHS7140IN - 858917401710
EMCHS7140IN - 858917461710
EMCHS7140TI - 858917401810
EMCHS7244IN - 858917801710
EMCHS7245ES - 858917901410
EMCHS7245IN - 858917901710
EMCHS7245WS - 858917901210
EMCHS78602IN - 858917516710
EMCHS7860IX - 858917416710
EMCHS7945TI - 858917901810
EMCHS8760IN - 858918516710
EMCHS8760IN - 858918616710
EMCHT9145IXL - 858965801740
EMCHT9145PT - 858965801720
EMCHT9145PT - 858965816720
EMEK11F545 - 859991563890
EMEK76845PT - 858976801900
EMEK7CP545PT - 859991562530
EMEK7CT545PT - 859991562540
EMEK99545PT - 858999501900
EMEK9P545BM - 859991576370
EMEK9P545PT - 859991563660
EMGHD6140IN - 858916512710
EMGHD6244IN - 858916012710

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Rating for Lamp, Bauknecht microwave - 12V/10W (halogen)
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  In stock. Del. 3-5 work days.
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