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Oven thermostat, Ikea cooker & hobs

Oven thermostat, Ikea cooker & hobs
  • Shipping £6.95
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This product is an alternative version, which can be used as a replacement for the original. The product might vary from the previous edition in shape, colour etc.

The oven thermostat in Ikea ovens ensures that the set temperature matches the actual temperature.
The product is only suitable for models with product/PNC-no. as listed after the dash.

EFTERSMAK 00413232 - 949497004-00
EFTERSMAK 30458672 - 949497016-00
EFTERSMAK 40411882 - 949497003-00
EFTERSMAK 60411881 - 949497002-00
EFTERSMAK 70411729 - 949497000-00
EFTERSMAK 80411880 - 949497001-00
FINSMAKARE 00411884 - 949494705-00
FINSMAKARE 20411883 - 949494704-00
FINSMAKARE 50411730 - 949494703-00
FINSMAKARE 80413233 - 949494707-00
FINSMAOVSB 70411885 - 949494706-00
GRANSLOS 00349156 - 949718297-01
GRANSLOS 00349156 - 949718297-02
GRANSLOS 10322057 - 949718191-01
GRANSLOS 10322057 - 949718191-02
GRANSLOS 20349141 - 949717043-01
GRANSLOS 20349141 - 949717043-02
GRANSLOS 20349155 - 949718296-02
GRANSLOS 30322056 - 949717033-01
GRANSLOS 30322056 - 949717033-02
GRANSLOS 30349145 - 949717046-01
GRANSLOS 30349145 - 949717046-02
GRANSLOS 40352627 - 949717051-01
GRANSLOS 50322055 - 949717035-01
GRANSLOS 50322055 - 949717035-02
GRANSLOS 50349149 - 949718298-02
GRANSLOS 50352636 - 949717050-01
GRANSLOS 60349144  - 949717045-01
GRANSLOS 60349144  - 949717045-02
GRANSLOS 60352631 - 949718606-01
GRANSLOS 70349148  - 949717048-01
GRANSLOS 70349148  - 949717048-02
GRANSLOS 70349153 - 949718295-02
GRANSLOS 70352635 - 949718605-01
GRANSLOS 90322058 - 949718190-02
GRANSLOS 90349152  - 949718600-01
KULINAOVPX 40382455 - 949498404-00
KULINAOVSX 70382454 - 949494455-00
KULINARISK 00300876 - 949718169-03
KULINARISK 00300895 - 949714241-03
KULINARISK 00300895 - 949714241-04
KULINARISK 00421086 - 949494454-00
KULINARISK 10307448 - 944066249-00
KULINARISK 10421062 - 949498403-00
KULINARISK 20300875 - 949718168-03
KULINARISK 20421085 - 949494453-00
KULINARISK 30300912 - 944066218-00
KULINARISK 30300912 - 944066218-02
KULINARISK 30322042 - 944066341-00
KULINARISK 30421061 - 949498402-00
KULINARISK 50322041 - 949718189-01
KULINARISK 50322041 - 949718189-02
KULINARISK 50421060 - 949498405-00
KULINARISK 50421084 - 949494456-00
KULINARISK 60300883 - 949714243-03
KULINARISK 60300883 - 949714243-04
KULINARISK 70322040 - 949714257-02
KULINARISK 70322040 - 949714257-03
KULINARISK 70421059 - 949498401-00
KULINARISK 70421083 - 949494452-00
KULINARISK 80300877 - 949718170-02
KULINARISK 80300877 - 949718170-03
KULINARISK 80300882 - 949714242-03
KULINARISK 80300882 - 949714242-04
KULINARISK 90443055 - 949498436-00
MIRAKULOS 10348830 - 949717040-01
MIRAKULOS 10348830 - 949717040-02
MIRAKULOS 10352638 - 949717049-01
MIRAKULOS 30348834 - 949718292-02
MIRAKULOS 30352637 - 949718604-01
MIRAKULOS 50348833 - 949717042-01
MIRAKULOS 50348833 - 949717042-02
MIRAKULOS 60322045 - 949718209-02
MIRAKULOS 60348837 - 949718294-02
MIRAKULOS 70348832 - 949717041-01
MIRAKULOS 70348832 - 949717041-02
MIRAKULOS 80348836 - 949718293-02
MIRAKULOS 90322044 - 949717034-01
MIRAKULOS 90322044 - 949717034-02
SMAKSAK 00411855 - 949499803-00
SMAKSAK 00411855 - 949499803-01
SMAKSAK 00411879 - 949499408-00
SMAKSAK 00411879 - 949499408-01
SMAKSAK 00421091 - 949499804-00
SMAKSAK 00421091 - 949499804-01
SMAKSAK 20411878 - 949499407-00
SMAKSAK 20411878 - 949499407-01
SMAKSAK 30411689 - 949499400-00
SMAKSAK 30411689 - 949499400-01
SMAKSAK 30411854 - 949499802-00
SMAKSAK 30411854 - 949499802-01
SMAKSAK 30413122 - 949499805-00
SMAKSAK 30413122 - 949499805-01
SMAKSAK 30413240 - 949499404-00
SMAKSAK 30413240 - 949499404-01
SMAKSAK 40411858 - 949499403-00
SMAKSAK 40411858 - 949499403-01
SMAKSAK 40411877 - 949499406-00
SMAKSAK 40411877 - 949499406-01
SMAKSAK 50411853 - 949499801-00
SMAKSAK 50411853 - 949499801-01
SMAKSAK 60411857 - 949499402-00
SMAKSAK 60411857 - 949499402-01
SMAKSAK 60413125 - 949499808-00
SMAKSAK 60413125 - 949499808-01
SMAKSAK 70411673 - 949499800-00
SMAKSAK 70411673 - 949499800-01
SMAKSAK 80411856 - 949499401-00
SMAKSAK 80411856 - 949499401-01
SMAKSAK 80443070 - 949499410-00
SMAKSAK 90411728 - 949499405-00
SMAKSAK 90411728 - 949499405-01
SMAKSAK 90413124 - 949499807-00
SMAKSAK 90413124 - 949499807-01

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