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Solenoid valve, Hoover washing machine

Solenoid valve, Hoover washing machine
  • Shipping £6.95
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This product is an alternative version, which can be used as a replacement for the original. The product might vary from the previous edition in shape, colour etc.


2 way solenoid valve for Hoover washing machines – 1 inlet and 2 outlets.
The product is only suitable for models with ident no. as listed after the dash.

AHD127V-1-80 - 31005351

DYNS7125DG-1-S - 31003958
DYNS7144D1B-1-8 - 31006243
DYNS7144D1S-1-8 - 31005479
DYNS7144D1X-1-8 - 31005623

DYSM6111D-47 - 31004889
DYSM6122D2-S - 31005449
DYSM6123D-30 - 31005277
DYSM6123D3-1-84 - 31006263
DYSM6123D3-84 - 31005451
DYSM6143D3-1-84 - 31006265
DYSM6143D3-84 - 31005721
DYSM70142D-1-S - 31006101
DYSM70142D-S - 31004927
DYSM7122D2-84 - 31005722
DYSM7122D-84 - 31005212
DYSM7123D3-1-S - 31006303
DYSM712P3D-30 - 31005279
DYSM712P3D-S - 31004943
DYSM713P3D3-84 - 31005723
DYSM7143D-84 - 31005213
DYSM8103D-30 - 31005278
DYSM8103D-30 - 39329925
DYSM8103D-30 - 39963558
DYSM8123D2-S - 31005444
DYSM8134D-3-84 - 31005214
DYSM8134D-S - 31005239

DYT55121D-84 - 31005211
DYT60101D-84 - 31005605
DYT60101D-S - 31004925
DYT60141D-S - 31004926
DYT6122D3-1-84 - 31006264
DYT6122D3-84 - 31005720
DYT6124D-01S - 31003812
DYT6124DG-30 - 31004319
DYT6144DG-84 - 31003936
DYT70134D-S - 31004766
DYT7122D2-1-S - 31006831
DYT7141D-S - 31005160
DYT7142D2-1-S - 31006209
DYT7142D2-S - 31005671
DYT8104D-01S - 31003279
DYT8104DG-30 - 31004320
DYT8104D-L-S - 31004491
DYT8124D-47 - 31003285
DYT8124D-L-47 - 31004203
DYT8126-01S - 31003278
DYT8126-47 - 31003284
DYT8126-84 - 31003372
DYT8126-L-S - 31004490
DYT8136G-47 - 31004190
DYT8136G-84 - 31003937
DYT8136G-S - 31004321

HAT7123D2-47 - 31005984
HAT7123D3-1-47 - 31006218
HAT7123D3-47 - 31006104
HAT713P4D-47 - 31004942
HAT7143D3-1-47 - 31006212
HAT7143D3-47 - 31006179
HAT8123D3-47 - 31005986
HAT8134D-47 - 31005280
HAT8136D3-47 - 31005974

HFT5012-1-84 - 31003939
HFT5012-84 - 31002730
HFT6010-L-S - 31004318
HFT6011-1-ISR - 31004400
HFT6012D-30S - 31003020
HFT613D-84 - 31003938
HFT6214D-47 - 31004312
HFT7011D-S - 31004767

HLT3652L-37 - 31007738
HLT371D-37 - 31007741
HLT372D-37 - 31007740
HLTS372D-S - 31007566
HLTS382D-37 - 31007736

HNFTSP362TAH-84 - 31007913

HNOTS372DA-S - 31007567
HNOTS380D-37 - 31007737
HNOTS382DA-S - 31007626
HNOTS383DA-37 - 31007735
HNOTS384DA-47 - 31007708
HNOTS384DA-S - 31007568

HNT409.6-1-30S - 31002014
HNT409.6SY - 31001399
HNT412-1-16S - 31002004
HNT412SY - 31001162
HNT5012-84 - 31002117
HNT510.6-1-37S - 31001929
HNT512.6-1-37S - 31001930
HNT513.6-47 - 31001731
HNT513-1-84 - 31002006
HNT513-84AA - 31001165
HNT514.6-1-18S - 31002013
HNT514.6-1-47 - 31001887
HNT514.6-47AAA - 31001331
HNT514.6SYAAA - 31001394
HNT5146-1-80 - 31002008
HNT5146-80AAA - 31001373
HNT6213-47 - 31002482
HNT6214-47 - 31002481
HNT6414 - 31002485
HNT6414-L-80 - 31004449
HNT6610D-86S - 31002158
HNT6612D-86S - 31002157
HNT6614D-1-30S - 31003019
HNT6614D-1-47 - 31002484
HNT6614D-47 - 31002119
HNT6614D-84 - 31003374
HNT6614D-86S - 31002159
HNT6614D-L-47 - 31004205
HNT6614D-L-S - 31004469
HNT6714D-47 - 31002480
HNT6714DSL-47 - 31002483
HNT6714DSL-L-47 - 31004206

HTV709.6-1-30 - 31002003
HTV709.6-30 - 31001159
HTV710.6-30 - 31001747
HTV712.6-1-30 - 31002002
HTV712.6SY - 31001393
HTV714.6-1-16S - 31002011
HTV714.6-1-84 - 31002118
HTV714.6-84AAA - 31001458
HTV714.6SL-30S - 31002112
HTV714.6SYAAA - 31001392
HTV714-1-14 - 31001885
HTV913-1-86S - 31002015
HTV914.6-1-18S - 31002010
HTV914.6-1-47 - 31001888
HTV914.6SYAAA - 31001391
HTV914-1-84 - 31002005

NEXT374T-1-47 - 31006471
NEXTS362T-1-84 - 31006940
NEXTS364TA-1-84 - 31006941
NEXTS372TA-1-S - 31006461
NEXTS372TA-84 - 31007348
NEXTS372TA-84 - 39000594
NEXTS373TA-1-47 - 31006472

OPHS612-80 - 31003603
OPHS612-L-80 - 31004702
OPHS712DF-80 - 31003595
OPHS712DF-L-80 - 31004706
OPHS714D21-1-80 - 31005478
OPHT12071D-S - 31005761

TONHS384DA-37 - 31007734

VHDS510-30 - 31002221
VHDS609-30 - 31001670
VHDS610-16S - 31002245
VHDS6103D07S - 31002171
VHDS610Z-30 - 31002217
VHDS610Z-30 - 39300092
VHDS6113D04S - 31002169
VHDS6113D-30 - 31001669
VHDS6124D-1-07S - 31003195
VHDS612-86S - 31002246

VT710D11-1-S - 31005047
VTS614D21-1-80 - 31005475

VTS712D21-80 - 31005317
VTS712D21B-1-80 - 31005848
VTS712D21S-80 - 31005318
VTS714D21-1-80 - 31005477
VTS714D21B-1-80 - 31005867
VTS714D21S-1-80 - 31005869
VTS715D21X-1-80 - 31006043

WA1406TD-L-1 - 31006216
WA1407TD - 31007220

WMHS147D21-1-80 - 31005476

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