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Top heating element, Bauknecht cooker & hobs

Top heating element, Bauknecht cooker & hobs
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    of 5 (1= Easy / 5= Complex)
This product is an alternative version, which can be used as a replacement for the original. The product might vary from the previous edition in shape, colour etc.

The product is only suitable for models with service no. as listed after the dash.

BELS 3000 WS - 855624920000
BELS 3000 SW - 855624920010
BELS 3000/WS - 855624938000
BELS 3000/SW - 855624938010
BELS 3000/IN - 855624938020

BEMZ 3000 BR - 855624801001
BEMZ 3000 WS - 855624801011
BEMZ 3000 SW - 855624801021
BEMZ 3000 IN - 855624801031
BEMZ 3000 WS - 855624801050
BEMZ 3000 SW - 855624801060
BEMZ 3000/WS - 855624838010
BEMZ 3000/SW - 855624838020
BEMZ 3000/IN - 855624838030

BLZE 3053 BR - 855625529000
BLZE 3053 WS - 855625529010
BLZE 3053 BR/01 - 855625529020
BLZE 3053 WS/01 - 855625529030
BLZE 3086 WS - 857491829000
BLZE 3086 SW - 857491829010

BMNE 3052 BR - 855628429000
BMNE 3052 WS - 855628429010

BMNU 3051 BR - 855625829020
BMNU 3051 WS - 855625829030
BMNU 3051 BR/01 - 855625829040
BMNU 3051 WS/01 - 855625829050

BMZ4006 AL - 857481601030
BMZ 3000 BR - 855624601001
BMZ 3000 WS - 855624601011
BMZ 3000 IN - 855624601021
BMZ 3000/01 IN - 855624601030
BMZ 3000 SW/01 - 855624620040
BMZ 3003 WS - 857491701000
BMZ 3003 SW - 857491701010
BMZ 3003 IN - 857491701020
BMZ 4006 BR - 857481601000
BMZ 4006 WS - 857481601010
BMZ 4006 IN - 857481601020
BMZ 4006/01 IN - 857481601040
BMZ 4006/01 AL - 857481601050

BMZE3005 WS - 855628542060
BMZE3005 SW - 855628542070
BMZE3005 IN - 855628542080
BMZE 3000 BR - 855624701001
BMZE 3000 WS - 855624701011
BMZE 3000 SW - 855624701021
BMZE 3000 SP - 855624701031
BMZE 3000 IX - 855624701040
BMZE 3005 WS - 855628542000
BMZE 3005 WS - 855628542001
BMZE 3005 NB - 855628542010
BMZE 3005 NB - 855628542011
BMZE 3005 IN - 855628542020
BMZE 3005 IN - 855628542021

BMZH 3000 WS - 857481038000
BMZH 3000 SW - 857481038010
BMZH 3000 IN - 857481038020

BMZS 3000 SW - 857481401000
BMZS 3000 IN - 857481401010

BMZT 3000 WS - 855627618040
BMZT 3000/SW - 855627618050
BMZT 3000/IN - 855627618060
BMZT 3000 BR - 855627618070

BSZ 3000 BR/01 - 857481301000
BSZ 3000 WS/01 - 857481301020
BSZ 3000 SW/01 - 857481301030
BSZ 3000 IN/01 - 857481301040
BSZ 4007 SW - 857481701000
BSZ 4007 IN - 857481701010

EELA 3498 BR - 855624501000
EELA 3498 WS - 855624501010
EELA 3498 SW - 855624501020
EELA 3498 IN - 855624501030
EELA 3498 SP - 855624501040
EELA 3498 BR - 855624501050
EELA 3498 WS - 855624501060
EELA 3498/01 BR - 855624501080
EELA 3498/01 WS - 855624501090
EELA 3498/01 SW - 855624501100
EELA 3498/01 IN - 855624501110

EELZ 3498 BR - 855624401000
EELZ 3498 WS - 855624401010
EELZ 3498 SW - 855624401020
EELZ 3498 SP - 855624401030

EEMR 3498 WS - 855624301011
EEMR 3498 SW - 855624301021
EEMR 3498 IN - 855624301031

EEMZ 3498 WS - 855624200000
EEMZ 3498 BR - 855624201001
EEMZ 3498 WS - 855624201010
EEMZ 3498 WS - 855624201011
EEMZ 3498 SW - 855624201020
EEMZ 3498 SW - 855624201021
EEMZ 3498 SP - 855624201031
EEMZ 3498 IN - 855624201040
EEMZ 3498 BR - 855624201050
EEMZ 3498 WS - 855624201060
EEMZ 3498 SW - 855624201070

EGZT 3400 IN - 855625212030

ELZE 3498 WS - 855627216000
ELZE 3498 SW - 855627216010
ELZE 3498 WS - 855627216020
ELZE 3498 SW - 855627216030

EMTA3485 BR - 857480101040
EMTA3485 WS - 857480101050
EMTA3485 IN - 857480101070
EMTA 3485 AV - 857480101000
EMTA 3485 WS - 857480101010
EMTA 3485 SW - 857480101020
EMTA 3485 IN - 857480101030

EMV3460 WS - 857491422000
EMV3460 SW - 857491422010
EMV3460 IN - 857491422020
EMV 3480 WS - 855628601000
EMV 3480 WS - 855628601001
EMV 3480 SW - 855628601010
EMV 3480 SW - 855628601011
EMV 3480 IN - 855628601020
EMV 3480 IN - 855628601021

and other models…
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