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Lower basket wheels - Hanseatic - Dishwasher

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  • Basket wheel, Hanseatic dishwasher (1 pc lower)
    This product is an alternative version, which can be used as a replacement for the original. The product might vary from the previous edition in shape, colour etc.
    The product is only suitable for models with service no. as listed after the dash.
    The listed price is for 1 pc.

    255 638 - 854587322750
    255 707 - 854587322720
    255 707 - 854587322721
    258 977 - 854560522760
    259 159 - 854560522750
    259 240 - 854560522740
    337 018 GS OEKO PLUS - 854560622510
    337 037 GSD 604 WS - 854560422550
    337 043 GSD 604 BR - 854560422560
    515 053 - 854587222620
    515 053 GIOEKO BR - 854587222520
    520 585 - 854587222650
    520 585 GIOEKO IX - 854587222550
    579 310 - 854587222610
    579 334 - 854560422660
    579 353 - 854560422650
    651 194 OEKO PLUS 2 - 854587222510
    731 470 GIOEKO PLUS - 854560722540
    809 914 GS 2 IX - 854587222540
    GI458 BR - 854545801720
    GI458 BR - 854545801729
    GI458 IX - 854545801740
    GI458 IX - 854545801749
    GI458 WS - 854545801710
    GI458 WS - 854545801719
    GI458/1 BR - 854545801780
    GI458/1 BR - 854545801781
    GI458/1 BR - 854545801782
    GI458/1 BR - 854545801789
    GI458/1 IX - 854545801790
    GI458/1 IX - 85454580179

    and other models…
    In stock. Del 3-5 work days.
    Read more.

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