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Salt cap - Ikea - Dishwasher

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  • Salt container cap, Ikea dishwasher - Black
    The product is only suitable for models with product/PNC-no. as listed after the dash.

    Colour - Black
    Material - Plastic

    HJALPSAM 30385789 - 911079036-00
    HJALPSAM 30385789 - 911079036-01
    HJALPSAM 30385789 - 911079036-02
    HJALPSAM 30385789 - 911079036-03
    HJALPSAM 90300018 - 911079016-00
    HJALPSAM 90300018 - 911079016-01
    HJALPSAM 90300018 - 911079016-02
    HJALPSAM 90300018 - 911079016-03
    HJALPSAM 90300018 - 911079016-04
    HYGIENISK 10331938 - 911434398-00
    HYGIENISK 10331938 - 911434398-01
    HYGIENISK 10331938 - 911434398-02
    HYGIENISK 10331938 - 911434398-03
    HYGIENISK 10331938 - 911434398-04
    HYGIENISK 10331938 - 911434398-05
    HYGIENISK 10331938 - 911434398-06
    HYGIENISK 30331937 - 911434397-00
    HYGIENISK 30331937 - 911434397-01
    HYGIENISK 30331937 - 911434397-02
    HYGIENISK 30331937 - 911434397-03
    HYGIENISK 30331937 - 911434397-04
    HYGIENISK 30331937 - 911434397-05
    HYGIENISK 70353753 - 911434433-00
    HYGIENISK 70353753 - 911434433-02

    and other models…
    In stock. Del 3-5 work days.
    Read more.
  • Salt container cap, Ikea dishwasher - Gray
    This product is a modified version as the original part has been discontinued. It might vary from the previous edition in shape, colour etc.
    The product is only suitable for models with service no. as listed after the dash.

    Colour - Gray
    Material - Plastic

    DWHC00W 201.097.68 - 854586701000
    DWHC00W 201.097.68 - 854586701001
    DWHC00W 201.097.68 - 854586701002
    DWHC10W 801.097.70 - 854586715000
    DWHC10W 801.097.70 - 854586715001
    DWHC10W 801.097.70 - 854586715002
    DWHC40W 601.097.71 - 854586716000
    DWHC40W 601.097.71 - 854586716001
    DWHC40W 601.097.71 - 854586716002

    and other models…
    In stock. Del 3-5 work days.
    Read more.
  • Salt container cap, Ikea dishwasher (without indicator)
    Salt container cap without indicator

    The product is only suitable for models with service no. as listed after the dash.

    27052 - 854240601869

    DWFB00W - 854240601819
    DWFB10W - 854241615819
    DWFB40W - 854244616819

    DWHB00W 301.097.58 - 854240001820
    DWHB00W 301.097.58 - 854240001829
    DWHB00W - 854240001830
    DWHB00W - 854240001839
    DWHB00W - 854240001831
    DWHB00W 301.097.58 - 854240001850
    DWHB00W 301.097.58 - 854240001827
    DWHB10W 101.097.59 - 854241001831
    DWHB10W 101.097.59 - 854241001827
    DWHB10W 101.097.59 - 854241001829
    DWHB10W 101.097.59 - 854241001830
    DWHB40W 701.097.61 - 854244001879
    DWHB40W 701.097.61 - 854244001880
    DWHB40W 701.097.61 - 854244001877
    DWHB40W 701.097.61 - 854244001881

    DWN600W - 854250901831
    DWN600 901.238.41 - 854250901820
    DWN600W - 854250901830
    DWN600W - 854250901832
    DWN600 901.238.41 - 854259901820
    DWN610 501.238.43 - 854250101820
    DWN610W - 854250101830
    DWN610W - 854250101831
    DWN610W - 85425010183

    and other models…
    Only 1 left!
    Del 3-5 work days. Read more.

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