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Door shelf - Indesit - Fridge & freezer

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  • Door bottle shelf, Indesit fridge & freezer (lower)
    Lower shelf in the refrigerator door, often used as a milk shelf. The door shelf can easily be replaced without the use of tools.
    The product is only suitable for models with service no. as listed after the dash.

    CAO55(UK) - 869991542020
    CAO55(UK).1 - 869991554070

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  • Door bottle shelf, Indesit fridge & freezer (lower)
    Lower shelf in the refrigerator door, often used as a milk shelf. The door shelf can easily be replaced without the use of tools.
    The product is only suitable for models with commercial code as listed after the dash.

    CA55 - 869990461250
    CA55(FR) - 869990461240
    CA55(UK) - F069937
    CA55(UK)(0) - F046431
    CA55K(UK) - 869990744710
    CA55NF - 869990737130
    CA55NF(UK) - 869990715950
    CA55NX - 869990691500
    CA55S(UK) - F075733
    CAA55 - 869990691490
    CAA55(UK) - 869990777360
    CAA55K(UK) - 869990777390
    CAA55NF - 869990777380
    CAA55NF(UK) - 869990777370
    CAA55NF.1 - 869990838200
    CAA55NFKUK - 869990834200
    CAA55NFSUK - 869990833870
    CAA55NFUK.1 - 869990838190
    CAA55NX - 869990769700
    CAA55NXUK - F081862
    CAA55S - 869990851460
    CAA55S(UK) - 869990777400
    I55TM4110S1 - 869991578920
    I55TM4110W1 - 869991577900
    IBD5517BUK - 869991555280
    IBD5517SUK - 869991555840
    IBD5517WUK - 869991555270
    IBNF5517WUK - 869991555770
    NCAA55 - 869990773140
    NCAA55(UK) - 869990777350

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    Del 3-5 work days. Read more.
  • Door bottle shelf, Indesit fridge & freezer (lower)
    Lower shelf in the refrigerator door, often used as a milk shelf. The door shelf can easily be replaced without the use of tools.
    The product is only suitable for models with service no. as listed after the dash.

    Colour - Clear
    Material - Plastic

    LD70S1W - 853920415100
    LD70S1W - 853920415101
    LD70S1W - 853920415102
    LD70S1W1 - 759991559850
    LD70S1W1 - 759991559851
    LD70S1X - 853920415020
    LD70S1X - 853920415021
    LD70S1X - 853920415022
    LD70S1X1 - 759991559840
    LD70S1X1 - 759991559841
    LI6S1W - 853920511000
    LI6S1W - 853920511001
    LI6S1X - 853920511020
    LI6S1X - 853920511021
    LI7S1W - 853920411000
    LI7S1W - 853920411001
    LI7S1X - 853920411020
    LI7S1X - 853920411021
    LI8S1W - 753921911001
    LI8S1W - 853921911000
    LI8S1X - 753921911022
    LI8S1X - 853921911020
    LI8S1X - 853921911021
    LI8S2W - 853921911100
    LI8S2W - 853921911101
    LI8S2W - 853921911102
    LI8S2X - 753921911123
    LI8S2X - 853921911120
    LI8S2X - 853921911121
    LI8S2X - 853921911122

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    In stock. Del 3-5 work days.
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  • Door shelf, Indesit fridge & freezer
    The product is only suitable for models with manufacturer no. as listed after the dash.

    Height - 60 mm
    Width - 440 mm
    Depth - 100 mm

    B18A2D/I - 853903701500
    B18A1DVE/I - 853903801500
    B18A1DVES/I - 853903801510
    B18A1D/I - 853903601500
    B18A1DS/I - 853903601510
    B18A1D/IMC - 853903638500
    B18A1DS/IMC - 853903638510
    B18A1D.CN/I - 853903681500
    BI18A1DIC - 859991531920
    BIN18A1DIF - 859991532420

    E IB15050A1D.UK - 853904015500
    E IB15050A1D.UK - 853904015501

    IB5050A1D.UK - 853903915500
    IB5050A1D.UK - 853903915501
    IB7030A1D.UK - 853903615500
    IB7030FEX - 859991032020
    IB7030A1D.UK - 859991034350

    IND2412 - 853902901500
    IND2412S - 853902901510
    IND2412 - 853902901501
    IND2412S - 853902901511
    IND2412MC - 853902938500
    IND2412SMC - 853902938510
    IND2413 - 853903001500
    IND2413S - 853903001510

    INS901AA - 859991004350
    INS1001AA - 859991033410
    INS1801AA - 859991009260
    INS3022V - 859990938550
    INSZ1001AA - 859991033420

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    Del 3-5 work days. Read more.
  • Door shelf, Indesit fridge & freezer (medium)
    The product is only suitable for models with service no. as listed after the dash.

    Width - 442 mm
    Depth - 65 mm
    Colour - White
    Material - Plastic

    R23 - 869990279150
    R24B - 869990250950
    R24Y - 869990250970
    R26 - 869990251050
    R26 - 869990260710
    R28 - 869990251080
    RA24 - 869990250980
    RA24 - 869990277460
    RA24S - 869990613130
    RA24T - 869990694780
    RA25 - 869990277470
    RA25EU - 869990353960
    RA26 - 869990331110
    RA26 - 869990694790
    RA261X - 869990414960
    RA27IX - 869990288530
    RA282 - 869990277450
    RA285I - 869990297660
    RA28I - 869990251110
    RA28LI - 869990251120
    RA28T - 869990385010
    RAA24 - 869990585620
    RAA24S - 869990585640
    RAA27IX - 869990779510

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    Del 3-5 work days. Read more.
  • Door shelf, Indesit fridge & freezer (medium)
    The product is only suitable for models with service no. as listed after the dash.

    B18S(LZ) - F039205
    LD70S1W - 853920415100
    LD70S1W - 853920415100
    LD70S1W - 853920415101
    LD70S1W - 853920415102
    LD70S1W1 - 759991559850
    LD70S1W1 - 759991559851
    LD70S1X - 853920415020
    LD70S1X - 853920415020
    LD70S1X - 853920415021
    LD70S1X - 853920415022
    LD70S1X1 - 759991559840
    LD70S1X1 - 759991559841
    LI6S1W - 853920511000
    LI6S1W - 853920511000
    LI6S1W - 853920511001
    LI6S1X - 853920511020
    LI6S1X - 853920511020
    LI6S1X - 853920511021
    LI7S1W - 853920411000
    LI7S1W - 853920411000
    LI7S1W - 853920411001
    LI7S1X - 853920411020
    LI7S1X - 853920411020
    LI7S1X - 853920411021
    LI8S1W - 753921911001
    LI8S1W - 853921911000
    LI8S1W - 853921911000
    LI8S1X - 753921911022
    LI8S1X - 853921911020
    LI8S1X - 853921911020
    LI8S1X - 853921911021
    LI8S2W - 853921911100
    LI8S2W - 853921911100
    LI8S2W - 853921911101
    LI8S2W - 853921911102
    LI8S2X - 753921911123
    LI8S2X - 85392191112

    and other models…
    Preorder - Del 4-6 work days.
    Read more.

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