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Overflow pipe - Zanussi - Industrial dishwasher

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  • Overflow pipe gasket, Zanussi industrial dishwasher
    The product is only suitable for models with manufacturer no. as listed after the dash.

    Diameter - 25,07 mm
    Colour - Black
    Material - Rubber

    AHT8I - 698068
    AHT8IG - 698067
    AHT8IWSG - 698066
    AHTA - 698119
    AHTAI - 698120
    AHTAIG - 698117
    AHTAIWS - 698116
    AHTAIWSG - 698118
    AHTAWS - 698115
    ALLS520 - 690210
    ALLS521 - 690208
    ALS510 - 690212
    AUCAI - 698092
    AUCAIDP - 698093
    AUCAIDPWS - 698094
    AUCAIG - 698095
    AUCAIWSG - 698096
    AUCI - 698091
    C32 - 727000
    C32/4.5 - 727001
    C33 - 727002
    C33/4.5 - 727003
    C51 - 727116
    C52 - 727120
    C55 - 400005
    C55A - 400025
    CF314 - 777000
    CT140EDX - 504181
    CT140EDXUK - 504184
    CT140EDXZ - 5CT10B
    CT140ESX - 504182
    CT140ESXZ - 5CT11B
    CT140SXEUK - 504185
    CT140VDX - 504281
    CT140VDXZ - 5CT12B
    CT140VSX - 504282
    CT141EDUK - 505184
    CT141EDX - 505181
    CT141EDXZ - 5CT14B
    CT141ESUK - 505185
    CT141ESX - 505182
    CT141ESXZ - 5CT15B
    CT141VDX - 505281
    CT141VDXZ - 5CT16B
    CT141VSX - 50528

    and other models…
    In stock. Del 3-5 work days.
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  • Overflow pipe, Zanussi industrial dishwasher
    The product is only suitable for models with manufacturer no. as listed after the dash.

    Length - 415 mm
    Diameter - 39 mm
    Colour - Gray
    Material - Plastic

    AHTA - 698119
    AHTAI - 698120
    AHTAIG - 698117
    ECOTEMP12- - 504004
    ECOTEMP12INS - 504065
    ECOTEMP12S - 504165
    ECOTEMP12SW - 504063
    EHTA - 504226
    EHTA60 - 504227
    EHTAI - 504229
    EHTAIAU - 504235
    EHTAID - 504230
    EHTAIG - 504233
    EHTAIMLAU - 504236
    EHTAIUSPH5 - 504244
    EHTAIUSPH6 - 504245
    ET12AI - 698097
    ET12AIT - 698098
    ET12E - 504104
    ET12EI - 698057
    ET12EICW - 698062
    ET12EICWG - 698061
    ET12EIF - 698065
    ET12EIG - 698056
    H1510SANA - 698017
    H2500 - 698008
    H3500 - 698009
    HT1000 - 698051
    HT1000DP - 698054
    HT1000elm - 698021
    HT1000INS - 698052
    HT1200 - 698050
    HT1200BIDG - 698029
    HT1200DEK - 504129
    HT1200DP - 698055
    HT1200elm - 698020
    HT1200INS - 698053
    HT1200INSD - 504109
    HT900 - 698022
    HT900ADG1 - 698028
    HYDRA1000 - 727021
    HYDRA1200 - 727020
    LC100 - 504003
    LC120 - 504023

    and other models…
    In stock. Del 3-5 work days.
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  • Overflow pipe, Zanussi industrial dishwasher
    Note! Not suitable for models with drain pump.
    The product is only suitable for models with manufacturer no. as listed after the dash.

    Length - 280 mm
    Diameter - 36 mm

    AUCAI - 698092
    AUCAIDP - 698093
    AUCAIG - 698095
    AUCI - 698091
    C32 - 727000
    C32/4.5 - 727001
    C33 - 727002
    C33/4.5 - 727003
    C55 - 400005
    C55A - 400025
    D500 - 502505
    D510 - 502603
    D800/6 - 505018
    D800/9 - 505017
    ECOTEMP5 - 502107
    ECOTEMP5S - 502304
    ECOTEMP5SW - 502308
    ET5AIDP - 698088
    ET5AIIT - 698087
    ET5E - 698076
    ET5ED - 698077
    ET5EDCW - 698010
    ET5EDF - 698090
    ET5EDG - 698004
    EUC1 - 400055
    EUC1DP - 400056
    EUC1DP60 - 400064
    EUC1DPWS - 400058
    EUC1G - 400063
    EUC1WS - 400057
    EUC3 - 400059
    EUC3DD - 400065
    EUC3DP - 400061
    EUC3DPCAG - 400139
    EUC3DPWS - 400062
    EUC3WS - 400060
    EUCA1DP - 400137
    EUCADD60 - 400068
    EUCADDROW - 400153
    EUCADDROW6 - 400154
    EUCAI - 502025
    EUCAI60 - 502027
    EUCAICL - 502038
    EUCAICLG - 502039
    EUCAICLW - 502042
    EUCAIDD - 502058

    and other models…
    Only 1 left!
    Del 3-5 work days. Read more.
  • Overflow pipe, Zanussi industrial dishwasher
    The product is only suitable for models with manufacturer no. as listed after the dash.

    Length - 280 mm
    Diameter - 21 mm
    Colour - Gray
    Material - Plastic

    AUCAI - 698092
    AUCAIDP - 698093
    AUCAIDPWS - 698094
    AUCAIG - 698095
    AUCAIWSG - 698096
    AUCI - 698091
    C32 - 727000
    C32/4.5 - 727001
    C33 - 727002
    C33/4.5 - 727003
    C55 - 400005
    C55A - 400025
    D500 - 502505
    D510 - 502603
    ECOTEMP5 - 502107
    ECOTEMP5S - 502304
    ECOTEMP5SW - 502308
    ET5AIDP - 698088
    ET5AIDPWS - 698089
    ET5AIIT - 698087
    ET5E - 698076
    ET5ED - 698077
    ET5EDCW - 698010
    ET5EDF - 698090
    ET5EDG - 698004
    ET5EDWS - 698084
    EUC1 - 400055
    EUC1DP - 400056
    EUC1DP60 - 400064
    EUC1DPWS - 400058
    EUC1G - 400063
    EUC1WS - 400057
    EUC3 - 400059
    EUC3DD - 400065
    EUC3DP - 400061
    EUC3DPCAG - 400139
    EUC3DPWS - 400062
    EUC3IG4 - 502316
    EUC3IG8 - 502315
    EUC3WS - 400060
    EUCA1DP - 400137
    EUCADD60 - 400068
    EUCADDROW - 400153
    EUCADDROW6 - 400154
    EUCAI - 502025
    EUCAI60 - 502027

    and other models
    Only 1 left!
    Del 3-5 work days. Read more.

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