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Door lock

Do you need Washing machine Door lock? At Nettoparts you will find one of Europe's largest selections of spare parts; Washing machine Door lock is produced for many different makes and models. Remember that you can use the filtering menu to filter for your specific brand. This often makes the Door lock selection more manageable.

If you need help finding the Washing machine spare part you are missing, please do not hesitate to contact us. Remember to provide as much information as possible from the Washing machine nameplate.

  • Door interlock, Indesit washing machine
    This product is an alternative version, which can be used as a replacement for the original. The product might vary from the previous edition in shape, colour etc.
    This product is a replacement part as the original version has been discontinued. The product may differ from the original version - e.g. shape, colour etc.
    The product is only suitable for models with commercial code as listed after the dash.

    IWSC6105CIS - 24767720000
    IWSC6105SLCIS - 24788760000
    IWSC6108IT - 80691240000
    IWSC60881CECOIT - 46788430000
    IWSC61051CECOEU - 30824340000
    IWSC61051UK - 30823780000
    IWSC61081CECOIT - 46788410000
    IWSC61081IT - 80758730000
    IWSC61081IT/E - 80758738700
    IWSC61082CECOIT.T - 46833300000
    IWSC61251SEC - 30823840000
    IWSC61251SECOUK - 30823840000
    IWSC61251UK - 30823820000
    IWSC61253CECOEU - 30855530100
    IWSD4105ECOEE - 46695170000
    IWSD4105ECOEE/E - 46695178700
    IWSD4105EU - 46628800000
    IWSD4105EU/E - 46628808700
    IWSD4105PL - 46697560000
    IWSD4105PL.L - 24760420000
    IWSD5105CIS - 24629070000
    IWSD5108CSI - 46718690000
    IWSD5108ECOEE - 46695780000
    IWSD5125EU - 46628820000

    and other models…
    In stock. Del 3-5 work days.
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  • Door interlock, Indesit washing machine
    This product is an alternative version, which can be used as a replacement for the original. The product might vary from the previous edition in shape, colour etc.
    This product is a replacement part as the original version has been discontinued. The product may differ from the original version - e.g. shape, colour etc.
    The product is only suitable for models with commercial code as listed after the dash.

    IWSD5125PL - 46697540000
    IWSD5125PL/E - 46697548700
    IWSD5125SLCIS.L - 24737270600
    IWSD6085CIS - 24752890600
    IWSD6105BCIS.L - 24752470600
    IWSD6105CIS - 24752880000
    IWSD6105ECOEU.L - 24772388801
    IWSD51051CECOEU - 46787360000
    IWSD51051CECOEU - 46788500000
    IWSD51051CECOPL - 30815560000
    IWSD51151BEC - 30824150000
    IWSD51151BECOUK - 30824150000

    IWSD51251CECOEU - 30815530000
    IWSD51251CECOPL - 30836770000
    IWSD51251ECO - 30823850000
    IWSD51251ECOUK - 30823850000
    IWSD60851CECOEU - 30824360000
    IWSD61051CECOEU - 30815480000
    IWSD61051CECOPL - 30815580000
    IWSD61081CECOEU - 46787340000
    IWSD61251CECOEU - 30814910000
    IWSD61251ECO - 30823860000
    IWSD61281CECOEU - 46787320000

    and other models…
    In stock. Del 3-5 work days.
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  • Door interlock, Indesit washing machine
    This product is an alternative version, which can be used as a replacement for the original. The product might vary from the previous edition in shape, colour etc.
    This product is a replacement part as the original version has been discontinued. The product may differ from the original version - e.g. shape, colour etc.
    The product is only suitable for models with commercial code as listed after the dash.

    IWSND51051CECOEU - 30814930000
    IWSND51051X9CZ - 30814900000
    IWSND61252CECOEU - 30856200000
    IWSND61253CECOEU - 30856220000

    IWUB4085CIS - 24629150000
    IWUB4105CIS - 24629160000

    IWUC4085CIS - 24629170000
    IWUC41051CECOEU - 24830170100
    IWUC4105CIS - 24629180000
    IWUC4105EU - 24629190005
    IWUC4105EU/E - 24629198700

    IWUD4085CIS - 24629200000
    IWUD41051CECOEU - 24830100000
    IWUD41051CECOPL - 24830190000
    IWUD4105CIS - 24629210000
    IWUD4105EU - 24629220000
    IWUD4105EU/E - 24629228700
    IWUD4105PL - 24748170000
    IWUD4105PL/E - 24748178700
    IWUD4125EU - 24629230000
    IWUD4125WE - 24687870000
    IWUD4125WE/E - 24687878700
    IWUD41251CECOEU - 24830160000
    IWUD41252CECOEU - 24850810100

    and other models…
    In stock. Del 3-5 work days.
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  • Door interlock, Indesit washing machine
    This product is an alternative version, which can be used as a replacement for the original. The product might vary from the previous edition in shape, colour etc.
    This product is a replacement part as the original version has been discontinued. The product may differ from the original version - e.g. shape, colour etc.
    The product is only suitable for models with commercial code as listed after the dash.

    IWUDN4105X9CCZ - 24830180000

    IWUE4105CIS - 24629240000

    IWSE5125CIS - 24629010000
    IWSE6105BCIS.L - 24752480600
    IWSE6105CIS - 24788750000
    IWSE6125BCIS.L - 24752490600
    IWSE6125CIS - 24788740000

    IWSNC51051CECOEU - 30815490000
    IWSNC51051X9EU - 30814890000

    LISA10FR - 46344520200
    LISA11FR - 46380590000
    LISA11FR/Y - 46380590075
    LISA12FR - 46397440000
    LISA100FR - 46299990000
    LISA111FR - 46328590000

    LISAXL11FR - 91477080000
    LISAXL11FRTE - 46497220000
    LISAXL11FRTEV/Y - 46497220075
    LISAXL12FRTE - 46503760000
    LISAXL12FRTEV/Y - 46503760075

    LNA855FR - 46276950000
    LNA856FR - 46283200000
    LNA1000FR - 46293780000

    LWD1053XEX - 91279280000

    MIDK6505CIS - 80798460000

    and other models…
    In stock. Del 3-5 work days.
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  • Door interlock, Indesit washing machine
    This product is an alternative version, which can be used as a replacement for the original. The product might vary from the previous edition in shape, colour etc.
    This product is a replacement part as the original version has been discontinued. The product may differ from the original version - e.g. shape, colour etc.
    The product is only suitable for models with commercial code as listed after the dash.

    MISK605CIS - 24799010000

    MISL585CIS - 24799020500

    MLE12X - 80272340100
    MLE129ALL - 80332380000

    NWS6105 - 24845940000

    S842XEX - 91279300000
    S842XHK - 91279600000
    S1053XEX - 91279620000

    SGE12XUK - 80272410100

    SISL106EU - 80464220100
    SISL106SEU - 80464210100
    SISL126EU - 80464200100
    SISL126SEU - 80464150100
    SISL129DEU - 80507160000
    SISL129EU - 80464160100
    SISL129SEU - 80464140100

    SIXL106AUS - 80521720000
    SIXL106EU - 80464130100
    SIXL106EX60HZ - 80550280100
    SIXL106IN - 80600050000
    SIXL106SEU - 80464120100
    SIXL125FR - 80491600000
    SIXL125SEU - 80440330000
    SIXL126EU - 80464090100
    SIXL126SAUS - 80521730000
    SIXL126SEU - 80481790000
    SIXL126SEX60H - 80550290100

    and other models…
    In stock. Del 3-5 work days.
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  • Door interlock, Indesit washing machine
    This product is an alternative version, which can be used as a replacement for the original. The product might vary from the previous edition in shape, colour etc.
    This product is a replacement part as the original version has been discontinued. The product may differ from the original version - e.g. shape, colour etc.
    The product is only suitable for models with commercial code as listed after the dash.

    SIXL129DEU - 80487550000
    SIXL129EU - 80464080200
    SIXL129SEU - 80464070200
    SIXL145DUK - 80521710000
    SIXL145DUK.1 - 80555890000
    SIXL145KUK - 80601850000
    SIXL145SFR - 80491620000
    SIXL145SKUK - 80601890000
    SIXL145SUK - 80464010100
    SIXL145UK - 80464060100
    SIXL146EU - 80464040100
    SIXL146SEU - 80463980200
    SIXL149DEU - 80487540000
    SIXL149DUK - 80487520000
    SIXL149EU - 80464030200
    SIXL149SEU - 80463970200

    SIXXL129DEU - 80613930000
    SIXXL129SEU - 80613940000
    SIXXL129SKEU - 80613920000

    and other models…
    In stock. Del 3-5 work days.
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  • Door interlock, Indesit washing machine
    This product is an alternative version, which can be used as a replacement for the original. The product might vary from the previous edition in shape, colour etc.
    This product is a replacement part as the original version has been discontinued. The product may differ from the original version - e.g. shape, colour etc.
    The product is only suitable for models with commercial code as listed after the dash.

    W12GE - 46303310000
    W14GE - 80303300000
    W16GE - 80303290000
    W42.08CSI - 91279610000
    W42.10CSI - 91279640000
    W42T10CSI - 91279590000
    W53.10CSI - 91280080000
    W53.12CSI - 91289010000
    W60T10CSI - 91279550000
    W61EX - 46295390000
    W63TAUS - 46258850100
    W63TEX50/60 - 46247680000
    W63Z - 46284100000
    W68XIT - 80244080000
    W 68XS(IT) - 80244090000
    W73FR - 46233290000
    W81EX - 46295400000
    W83DE - 46248330000
    W83FR - 46286740000
    W83NL - 46245990000
    W83SP - 46233170000
    W83TAUS - 46258860000
    W83TEX - 46233100100
    W83TK - 46233200100
    W83TTK - 46233210100

    and other models…
    In stock. Del 3-5 work days.
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  • Door interlock, Indesit washing machine
    This product is an alternative version, which can be used as a replacement for the original. The product might vary from the previous edition in shape, colour etc.
    This product is a replacement part as the original version has been discontinued. The product may differ from the original version - e.g. shape, colour etc.
    The product is only suitable for models with commercial code as listed after the dash.

    W84TTK - 46283830000
    W84TXEX - 80234010100
    W84TXEXBG - 91275580000
    W84TXTK - 80234100100
    W84XSP - 80234090100
    W84XSSP - 80244690000
    W85FR - 46276990000
    W88XIT - 80233950100
    W93TEX - 46233080100
    W93UK - 46233300100
    W95FR - 46286750000
    W101EX - 46295410000
    W101UK - 46286260000
    W103NL - 46246000000
    W103TTK - 46233370100
    W103UK - 46233340100
    W104DE - 46248340000
    W104FR - 46233400100
    W104NL - 46233860100
    W104SP - 46244150000
    W104TBE - 46254740000
    W104TCH - 46281930000
    W104TEX - 46233320100
    W104TTK - 46284000000
    W104TXTK - 80234110100
    W105FR - 46277000000
    W105TXEX - 80234030100
    W105TXR(BG) - 91270890000
    W105XDE - 80248350000
    W106X.1DE - 80280890000
    W106XDE - 80248360000
    W107FR - 46286760000

    and other models…
    In stock. Del 3-5 work days.
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  • Door interlock, Indesit washing machine
    This product is an alternative version, which can be used as a replacement for the original. The product might vary from the previous edition in shape, colour etc.
    This product is a replacement part as the original version has been discontinued. The product may differ from the original version - e.g. shape, colour etc.
    The product is only suitable for models with commercial code as listed after the dash.

    W108XIT - 80234020100
    W108XSP - 80234080100
    W113UK - 46233350100
    W120EU - 91295160000
    W123NLVPL - 91296020000
    W123SUK - 80234130100
    W123UK - 80233690100
    W123UK(BG) - 91268710002
    W123XNL - 80234160000
    W123XNLBG - 91279990000
    W124XDE - 80248370000
    W124XNL - 80234180100
    W125TXCH - 80281940000
    W125TXEX - 80233780100
    W125XDE - 80248380000
    W125XFR - 80244350000
    W125XSDE - 80248390000
    W126XDE - 80248400000
    W128XFR - 80277010000
    W128XSP - 80244280000
    W129XFR - 80286770000
    W133SUK - 80245180000
    W133UK - 80240260000
    W143SUK - 80270590000
    W143UK - 80275300000
    W144XSNL - 80247430000
    W145TXCH - 80281950000
    W145TXEX - 80233790100
    W145XDE - 80248420000
    W146XDE - 80248430000
    W146XSDE - 80264610000

    and other models…
    In stock. Del 3-5 work days.
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  • Door interlock, Indesit washing machine
    This product is an alternative version, which can be used as a replacement for the original. The product might vary from the previous edition in shape, colour etc.
    This product is a replacement part as the original version has been discontinued. The product may differ from the original version - e.g. shape, colour etc.
    The product is only suitable for models with commercial code as listed after the dash.

    W161UK - 80284090000
    W165TXEX - 80247960100
    W165XNL - 80247640100
    W166XDE - 80264640000
    W682XSIT - 80248130101
    W683XGIT - 80248120101
    W857XSPT - 80266610000
    W9521E - 46253790101

    WA6IT - 46268780000
    WA6PT - 46276390000
    WA6XIT - 80268810000
    WA6XSPT - 80276750000
    WA8IT - 46268790000
    WA8PT - 46276400000
    WA8XIT - 80268820000
    WA8XSIT - 80269190000
    WA8XSPT - 80276760000
    WA10IT - 46268800000
    WA10PT - 46276410000
    WA10XIT - 80268830100
    WA105UK - 46280160000
    WA115UK - 46280170000
    WA125UK - 80280240000
    WA135UK - 80280250000
    WA155UK - 80280420000

    WAP61EX - 46283820000

    WAS6XIT - 80270520000
    WAS8XIT - 80270530000

    WAX80EX - 91284150000
    WAX100EX - 91294680000
    WAX120UK - 91282540000

    and other models…
    In stock. Del 3-5 work days.
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  • Door interlock, Indesit washing machine
    This product is an alternative version, which can be used as a replacement for the original. The product might vary from the previous edition in shape, colour etc.
    This product is a replacement part as the original version has been discontinued. The product may differ from the original version - e.g. shape, colour etc.
    The product is only suitable for models with commercial code as listed after the dash.

    WD10UK - 80250560000
    WD11UK - 80250580000
    WD12SUK - 80255380100
    WD12UK - 80250570000
    WD12XUK - 80272330000
    WD14UK - 80299190000
    WD84EX - 80249060000
    WD84TEX - 80249070100
    WD104TEX - 80249080100
    WD105TCH - 80281960000
    WD105TEX - 80249090000
    WD105TEX220-60 - 80276030000
    WD106FR - 80256910000
    WD118SP - 80263350000
    WD125TEX - 80249100200
    WD125TSEX - 80271520000
    WD1264XAUS - 91279560000
    WD1400GE - 80306130000

    WDA1400EEU - 80637940000

    WDD750PUK - 80848600000

    WDE12UK - 80263820000
    WDE12X - 80272320000
    WDE12XNL - 80280400000

    WDS105TR - 91280010000

    WE8EX - 46276470000
    WE8IT.1 - 46283050000
    WE8XR - 80269520100
    WE10EX - 46276480000
    WE10IT.1 - 46283060000
    WE10UK - 80244590000

    and other models…
    In stock. Del 3-5 work days.
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  • Door interlock, Indesit washing machine
    This product is an alternative version, which can be used as a replacement for the original. The product might vary from the previous edition in shape, colour etc.
    This product is a replacement part as the original version has been discontinued. The product may differ from the original version - e.g. shape, colour etc.
    The product is only suitable for models with commercial code as listed after the dash.

    WE10XSIT - 80283870000
    WE11UK - 80244600000
    WE12DE - 80295170000
    WE12SDE - 80271490000
    WE12SUK - 80244620100
    WE12UK - 80244610000
    WE12XNL - 80247620100
    WE13UK - 80244630000
    WE14DE - 80270800000
    WE14SDE - 80271500000
    WE14SUK - 80271530000
    WE14UK - 80244640000
    WE14XNL - 80247630100
    WE14XSNL - 80277520000
    WE16DE - 80271510000
    WE16SUK - 80271540000
    WE16UK - 80251620100
    WE16XNL - 80247650100
    WE105XR - 80269530100
    WE109FR - 46273000000
    WE125XEX - 80247890001
    WE145XEX - 80247920001

    WES8XIT.1 - 80283070000
    WES9XR - 80268920000

    WH96TXE - 80253760100

    WI5FR - 46301370000
    WI8EU - 46318130000
    WI8FR - 46301390000
    WI10FR - 46300000000
    WI11FR - 46328600000

    and other models…
    In stock. Del 3-5 work days.
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  • Door interlock, Indesit washing machine
    This product is an alternative version, which can be used as a replacement for the original. The product might vary from the previous edition in shape, colour etc.
    This product is a replacement part as the original version has been discontinued. The product may differ from the original version - e.g. shape, colour etc.
    The product is only suitable for models with commercial code as listed after the dash.

    WI40IT - 46302310000
    WI42EX - 46304990000
    WI42KW - 46372260000
    WI52EX - 46305020000
    WI52EX60HZ - 46305010000
    WI52KW - 46305000000
    WI60IT - 46302300000
    WI60XEX - 80304330000
    WI62AUS - 46305030000
    WI62EX - 46305050000
    WI62KW - 46305040000
    WI6EU - 46301380000
    WI70TK - 46304840000
    WI80TK - 46304860000
    WI81EX - 46303520000
    WI82AUS - 46305130000
    WI82EX - 46303530000
    WI82EX60HZ - 46305150000
    WI82SING - 46305070000
    WI84XR - 80304360000
    WI100TK - 46304880000
    WI101EX - 46303550000
    WI101UK - 46301960000

    and other models…
    In stock. Del 3-5 work days.
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  • Door interlock, Indesit washing machine
    This product is an alternative version, which can be used as a replacement for the original. The product might vary from the previous edition in shape, colour etc.
    This product is a replacement part as the original version has been discontinued. The product may differ from the original version - e.g. shape, colour etc.
    The product is only suitable for models with commercial code as listed after the dash.

    WI102AUS - 46305230000
    WI102CH - 46325380000
    WI102EU - 46319220000
    WI102PL - 46305170000
    WI104XR - 80304370000
    WI105EX - 46305200000
    WI121UK - 46301970000
    WI122EU - 46319230000
    WI122EX - 46305250000
    WI140BDE - 80331810000
    WI141UK - 80301980000
    WI142EU - 80315450000
    WI600IT - 46319690000

    WIA8EU - 46344430000
    WIA9FR - 46377320000
    WIA60CSI - 24500880000
    WIA60TK - 46344380900
    WIA61IT - 46462130000
    WIA62CSI - 24500890000
    WIA64IT - 46373350000
    WIA80CSI - 24366880000
    WIA80TK - 46344400900
    WIA81EX - 46344850005
    WIA82CSI - 24528040000
    WIA82EX - 46344390000
    WIA82EX60HZ - 46344420000
    WIA100CSI - 24366890000
    WIA100TK - 46344440900
    WIA101EU - 46344470000

    and other models…
    In stock. Del 3-5 work days.
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  • Door interlock, Indesit washing machine
    This product is an alternative version, which can be used as a replacement for the original. The product might vary from the previous edition in shape, colour etc.
    This product is a replacement part as the original version has been discontinued. The product may differ from the original version - e.g. shape, colour etc.
    The product is only suitable for models with commercial code as listed after the dash.

    WIA101EX - 46344860000
    WIA101UK - 46344830000
    WIA102CH - 46344480000
    WIA102CSI - 24366900000
    WIA102EX - 46344460000
    WIA102PL - 45344450000
    WIA110EU - 46365930000
    WIA111UK - 46427400000
    WIA121EU - 46344490000
    WIA121UK - 46337420100
    WIA122EX - 46337540900
    WIA500EU - 46460360000
    WIA600EU - 46344130000
    WIA602EU - 46460370000

    WIAL143EU - 46447130000
    WIAL143EUTEV/Y - 46447130075

    WIAV60IT - 46344120000
    WIAV80IT - 46344150000

    WIB101UK - 46464660100
    WIB111UK - 46464700100

    WIDE126DE - 80319820000
    WIDE127UK - 80305630000
    WIDE146DE - 80392390000

    WIDL86EX - 80319650000
    WIDL102UK - 80305360000
    WIDL106AUS - 80323050000
    WIDL106EX - 80319660000
    WIDL106EX60HZ - 80332040000

    and other models…
    In stock. Del 3-5 work days.
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  • Door interlock, Indesit washing machine
    This product is an alternative version, which can be used as a replacement for the original. The product might vary from the previous edition in shape, colour etc.
    This product is a replacement part as the original version has been discontinued. The product may differ from the original version - e.g. shape, colour etc.
    The product is only suitable for models with commercial code as listed after the dash.

    WIDL126CH - 80350530000
    WIDL126DE - 80319800000
    WIDL126EX - 80305700000
    WIDL126FR - 80305340100
    WIDL126SDE - 80319810000
    WIDL126SEX - 80319830000
    WIDL126SUK - 80305590000
    WIDL126UK - 80305380000
    WIDL126UKPMC - 80305380000
    WIDL146DE - 80319790000
    WIDL146EX - 80305730000
    WIDL146FR - 80366870000
    WIDL146UK - 80305670000

    WIDXE126DE -80546260100
    WIDXE146DE - 80546320100
    WIDXE146SUK - 80548550100
    WIDXE146UK - 80548560100

    WIDXL86AGP - 80619440000
    WIDXL86EX - 80546120100
    WIDXL86EXP - 80567620000
    WIDXL102UK - 80546010200
    WIDXL106AUS - 80546280200
    WIDXL106EX - 80546140100
    WIDXL106EX60HZ - 80546290100
    WIDXL106EXP - 80567380000
    WIDXL126AUSP - 80546280300
    WIDXL126CH - 80546300100

    and other models…
    In stock. Del 3-5 work days.
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  • Door interlock, Indesit washing machine
    This product is an alternative version, which can be used as a replacement for the original. The product might vary from the previous edition in shape, colour etc.
    This product is a replacement part as the original version has been discontinued. The product may differ from the original version - e.g. shape, colour etc.
    The product is only suitable for models with commercial code as listed after the dash.

    WIDXL126DE - 80546160100
    WIDXL126EX - 80546100100
    WIDXL126SDE - 80546250100
    WIDXL126SEX - 80546270100
    WIDXL126SUK - 80546040200
    WIDXL126UK - 80546030200
    WIDXL146DE - 80546150100
    WIDXL146(EU)Y - 80513500075
    WIDXL146FR - 80546310100
    WIDXL146SFR - 80592610000
    WIDXL146UK - 80546080100

    WIDXXL106EU - 94399980000
    WIDXXL106EU.C - 80611150000
    WIDXXL126EU - 94399990000
    WIDXXL126EU.C - 80566670100
    WIDXXL126SEU - 94400000000
    WIDXXL146EU - 94400010000
    WIDXXL146EU.C - 80566680100

    WIE10FR - 46352490000
    WIE12FR - 46344530200
    WIE87EX - 46305450000
    WIE87IT - 46302230000
    WIE87PL - 91305460000
    WIE87PLTE - 46366860000
    WIE107EX - 46305480000
    WIE107EXBG - 91352730000
    WIE107IT - 46302220000

    and other models…
    In stock. Del 3-5 work days.
    Read more.
  • Door interlock, Indesit washing machine
    This product is an alternative version, which can be used as a replacement for the original. The product might vary from the previous edition in shape, colour etc.
    This product is a replacement part as the original version has been discontinued. The product may differ from the original version - e.g. shape, colour etc.
    The product is only suitable for models with commercial code as listed after the dash.

    WIE107PL - 91305470000
    WIE107PLTE - 46366850000
    WIE107XSEX - 80305490000
    WIE127DE - 46304600000
    WIE127EX - 46305510000
    WIE127IN - 46600020000
    WIE127SDE - 80304680000
    WIE127UK - 46300280000
    WIE127XEX - 80305520000
    WIE127XSEX - 80305500000
    WIE128NL - 46304440000
    WIE137SUK - 80302020000
    WIE147DE - 80304780000
    WIE147DECO - 80358990000
    WIE147DETE - 46331790000
    WIE147DETEV - 46447140000
    WIE147EU - 46336230000
    WIE147EUCO - 80359000900
    WIE147EUTEV - 46443780000
    WIE147UK - 80300290000
    WIE147UKCO - 80359010000
    WIE147UKTE - 46336250000
    WIE147XEX- 80305540000
    WIE148NL - 80304500000
    WIE148NLTE - 46325720000
    WIE157SUK - 80302030000
    WIE167DE - 80304800000
    WIE167EEU - 80374230000
    WIE167UK - 80302040000

    and other models…
    In stock. Del 3-5 work days.
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  • Door interlock, Indesit washing machine
    This product is an alternative version, which can be used as a replacement for the original. The product might vary from the previous edition in shape, colour etc.
    This product is a replacement part as the original version has been discontinued. The product may differ from the original version - e.g. shape, colour etc.
    The product is only suitable for models with commercial code as listed after the dash.

    WIE168NL - 80304510000

    WIL8FR - 46344500000
    WIL10FR - 46352480200
    WIL10FR/Y - 46352480075
    WIL11FR - 46344510000
    WIL11FR/Y - 46344510075
    WIL12FR - 46300010000
    WIL12FR/1 - 46493670000
    WIL12FR/Y - 46300010075
    WIL12NL - 46339610000
    WIL13FR - 46328610000
    WIL13FRTE - 46445020000
    WIL13FRTEV/Y - 46445020075
    WIL14FR - 80301400000
    WIL14FR/Y - 46442600075
    WIL14FRCO - 80359040000
    WIL14FRTE - 46342380000
    WIL14FRTEV - 46442600000
    WIL14NL- 46339620000
    WIL14NLCO - 80359050000
    WIL62AUS - 46345070000
    WIL62EX - 46305260000
    WIL62EX/Y - 46305260075
    WIL62XEX - 80305270000
    WIL63PL - 91305280000
    WIL63PL/Y - 46367670075
    WIL63PLTE - 46367670000
    WIL66IT - 46301460000
    WIL66IT/Y - 46301460075
    WIL81TK - 46304900000

    and other models…
    In stock. Del 3-5 work days.
    Read more.
  • Door interlock, Indesit washing machine
    This product is an alternative version, which can be used as a replacement for the original. The product might vary from the previous edition in shape, colour etc.
    This product is a replacement part as the original version has been discontinued. The product may differ from the original version - e.g. shape, colour etc.
    The product is only suitable for models with commercial code as listed after the dash.

    WIL81TKTEV/Y - 46304900075
    WIL82AUS - 46345080000
    WIL82R - 46410460100
    WIL82R/Y - 46410460075
    WIL82XR - 80344890000
    WIL83CSI - 24528050000
    WIL83CSILIP/Y - 24528050275
    WIL85EU - 46302340000
    WIL85EU/Y - 46302340075
    WIL85EX - 46303540000
    WIL85EXBG - 91335980000
    WIL85EXTE - 46353970000
    WIL85EXTE/Y - 46353970075
    WIL85IN - 46600000000
    WIL85PL - 91305310000
    WIL85PLTE - 46359210000
    WIL85PLTE/Y - 46359210075
    WIL85XEX - 80305290000
    WIL85XSEX - 80305300000
    WIL86IT - 46301450000
    WIL86IT/Y - 46301450075
    WIL95EX - 80315460000
    WIL95EX60HZ - 46549830000
    WIL95EX60HZ/Y - 46549830075
    WIL95KW - 46305350000
    WIL95KW/Y - 46305350075
    WIL101TK - 46304920000
    WIL101TK/Y - 46304920075

    and other models…
    In stock. Del 3-5 work days.
    Read more.
  • Door interlock, Indesit washing machine
    This product is an alternative version, which can be used as a replacement for the original. The product might vary from the previous edition in shape, colour etc.
    This product is a replacement part as the original version has been discontinued. The product may differ from the original version - e.g. shape, colour etc.
    The product is only suitable for models with commercial code as listed after the dash.

    WIL102AUS - 46345090000
    WIL102R - 46410470100
    WIL102R/Y - 46410470075
    WIL102XR - 80344900000
    WIL103CSI - 24528060000
    WIL103CSILIP/Y - 24528060275
    WIL103IT - 46336130000
    WIL103IT/Y - 46336130075
    WIL103UK - 46349070000
    WIL105DE - 46304550000
    WIL105DE/Y - 46304550075
    WIL105EU - 46302330000
    WIL105EU/Y - 46302330075
    WIL105EX - 46303560000
    WIL105EXBG - 91335990000
    WIL105EXTE - 46359200000
    WIL105EXTE/Y - 46359200075
    WIL105PL - 91305370000
    WIL105PLTE - 46365940000
    WIL105PLTE/Y - 46365940075
    WIL105SEX - 80310720000
    WIL105XEX - 80305390000
    WIL106FR - 46495060000
    WIL106FR/Y - 46495060075
    WIL106IT - 46301440000
    WIL106IT/Y - 46301440075
    WIL106SPEU - 46368870000
    WIL106SPEU/Y - 46368870075

    and other models…
    In stock. Del 3-5 work days.
    Read more.
  • Door interlock, Indesit washing machine
    This product is an alternative version, which can be used as a replacement for the original. The product might vary from the previous edition in shape, colour etc.
    This product is a replacement part as the original version has been discontinued. The product may differ from the original version - e.g. shape, colour etc.
    The product is only suitable for models with commercial code as listed after the dash.

    WIL113UK - 46300180000
    WIL113UKBG - 91310220000
    WIL113UKTE - 46365960000
    WIL123DE - 46322510000
    WIL123DE/Y - 46322510075
    WIL123SUK - 80301990000
    WIL124NL - 46362430000
    WIL125CH - 46325390000
    WIL125DE - 46304590000
    WIL125DE/Y - 46304590075
    WIL125EX - 46305400000
    WIL125EX/Y - 46305400075
    WIL125NL - 46362410000
    WIL125XEX - 80305410000
    WIL126IT - 91336840000
    WIL126ITTE - 46365950000
    WIL126ITTE/Y - 46365950075
    WIL126NL - 46304430000
    WIL133UK - 80300190000
    WIL133UKCO - 80359030000
    WIL133UKTE - 46336240000
    WIL133UKTEV - 46442060000
    WIL133UKTEV/ - 46442060075
    WIL133UKTEV/Y - 46442060075
    WIL140BDE - 80384680000
    WIL143DE - 46322520000
    WIL143DECO - 80359090000
    WIL143DETEV - 46444670000

    and other models…
    In stock. Del 3-5 work days.
    Read more.
  • Door interlock, Indesit washing machine
    This product is an alternative version, which can be used as a replacement for the original. The product might vary from the previous edition in shape, colour etc.
    This product is a replacement part as the original version has been discontinued. The product may differ from the original version - e.g. shape, colour etc.
    The product is only suitable for models with commercial code as listed after the dash.

    WIL143SUK - 80302000000
    WIL143UK - 80344840000
    WIL143UKTEV - 46442070000
    WIL144NL - 80362440000
    WIL144NLTEV - 46447300000
    WIL144SPUK - 80377310000
    WIL145CH - 80325400000
    WIL145DE - 80304630000
    WIL145DECO - 80360460000
    WIL145DETE - 46331780000
    WIL145DETEV - 46442400000
    WIL145EU - 46336220000
    WIL145EUCO - 80359100000
    WIL145EUTEV - 46444360000
    WIL145EUTEV/Y - 46444360075
    WIL145NL - 80362420000
    WIL145NLTEV - 46442800000
    WIL145NLTEV/Y - 46442800075
    WIL145XEX - 80305420000
    WIL146NL - 80304480000
    WIL146NLTE - 46325710000
    WIL146SPIT - 46340560000
    WIL146SPITCO - 80359120000
    WIL146SPITTE - 46444460000
    WIL146SPITTEV/Y - 46444460075
    WIL153UK - 80300200000

    and other models…
    In stock. Del 3-5 work days.
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  • Door interlock, Indesit washing machine
    This product is an alternative version, which can be used as a replacement for the original. The product might vary from the previous edition in shape, colour etc.
    This product is a replacement part as the original version has been discontinued. The product may differ from the original version - e.g. shape, colour etc.
    The product is only suitable for models with commercial code as listed after the dash.

    WIL1000OT - 46344710100
    WIL1200OT - 46344720100
    WIL1400OTEU - 80381550000
    WIL1400OTFR - 80394880000

    WIN81EX - 46464570100
    WIN81IN - 46599990000
    WIN82CSI - 24584970200
    WIN82EX - 46464780100
    WIN81EX - 46464570100
    WIN81IN - 46599990000
    WIN82CSI - 24584970200
    WIN82EX - 46464780100
    WIN82EX60HZ - 46592700000
    WIN82KW - 46549650000
    WIN100CSI - 24535490200
    WIN100TK - 46464800100
    WIN101EU - 46464840100
    WIN101EX - 46464580100
    WIN102CSI - 24535500200
    WIN102EX - 46464820100
    WIN102PL - 46464810100
    WIN110EU - 46464590100
    WIN121EU - 46464880100
    WIN122EX - 46464750100
    WIN500EU - 46464720100
    WIN600EU - 46464620100
    WIN602EU - 46464730100

    and other models…
    In stock. Del 3-5 work days.
    Read more.
  • Door interlock, Indesit washing machine
    This product is an alternative version, which can be used as a replacement for the original. The product might vary from the previous edition in shape, colour etc.
    This product is a replacement part as the original version has been discontinued. The product may differ from the original version - e.g. shape, colour etc.
    The product is only suitable for models with commercial code as listed after the dash.

    WINV60IT - 46464610100
    WINV70IT - 46528030100
    WINV80IT - 46464630100

    WIS40IT - 80301430000
    WIS62EX - 80304400000

    WISA61CSI - 24429680000
    WISA62CSI - 24352750900
    WISA81CSI - 24429690000
    WISA82CSI - 24352740901
    WISA101CSI - 24429700000

    WISE87EU - 80353000000
    WISE87EUV - 80459740000
    WISE87PL - 80305680000
    WISE87PLV - 80399570100
    WISE107EXV - 80399450100
    WISE107IT - 80302320000
    WISE107PL - 80305690000
    WISE107SEX - 80304410000
    WISE107SEXV - 80438510000
    WISE107XEX - 80305710000
    WISE127EXV - 80399590100
    WISE127XEX - 80305740000

    WISL10FR - 80301410000
    WISL10FRV - 80399610100
    WISL62CSI - 24353370000
    WISL62CSI/Y - 24353370275

    and other models…
    In stock. Del 3-5 work days.
    Read more.
  • Door interlock, Indesit washing machine
    This product is an alternative version, which can be used as a replacement for the original. The product might vary from the previous edition in shape, colour etc.
    This product is a replacement part as the original version has been discontinued. The product may differ from the original version - e.g. shape, colour etc.
    The product is only suitable for models with commercial code as listed after the dash.

    WISL62EX.1 - 46546480100
    WISL62EXV - 80399580100
    WISL62XEX - 80305550000
    WISL65PL - 80305560000
    WISL65PL.1 - 46546510100
    WISL65PLV - 80399620100
    WISL66IT - 80301420000
    WISL66IT.1 - 46545900100
    WISL66ITV - 80399520100
    WISL82CSI - 24353380000
    WISL82CSI/Y - 24353380205
    WISL83CSI - 24353880000
    WISL83CSI/Y - 24353880205
    WISL85CSI - 24305990000
    WISL85EU.1 - 46593030000
    WISL85EX.1 - 46546550100
    WISL85EXV - 80431450000
    WISL85EXV/Y - 80431450075
    WISL85PL - 80305620000
    WISL85PL.1 - 46545940100
    WISL85PLPW - 80399540100
    WISL85SLCSI - 24385520000
    WISL85SLCSI/Y - 24385520275
    WISL85XEX - 80305640000

    and other models…
    In stock. Del 3-5 work days.
    Read more.
  • Door interlock, Indesit washing machine
    This product is an alternative version, which can be used as a replacement for the original. The product might vary from the previous edition in shape, colour etc.
    This product is a replacement part as the original version has been discontinued. The product may differ from the original version - e.g. shape, colour etc.
    The product is only suitable for models with commercial code as listed after the dash.

    WISL86IT - 80300850000
    WISL86IT.1 - 46545880100
    WISL86ITV - 80399500100
    WISL86ITV/Y - 80399500075
    WISL92CSI - 24352720000
    WISL92CSI/Y - 24352720205
    WISL102CSI - 24385600000
    WISL102CSI/Y - 24385600205
    WISL103CIS - 24761270000
    WISL103CSI - 24353890000
    WISL103CSI/Y - 24353890275
    WISL104CSI - 24761280000
    WISL105CIS - 24799800000
    WISL105CSI - 24306010000
    WISL105EU.1 - 46593040000
    WISL105EX.1 - 46546540100
    WISL105EXV - 80431440000
    WISL105EXV/Y - 80431440075
    WISL105PL - 80305570000
    WISL105PL.1 - 46545930100
    WISL105PLV - 80399530100
    WISL105SLCSI - 24385530000
    WISL105SLCSI/Y - 24385530205
    WISL105XEX - 80305660000

    and other models…
    In stock. Del 3-5 work days.
    Read more.
  • Door interlock, Indesit washing machine
    This product is an alternative version, which can be used as a replacement for the original. The product might vary from the previous edition in shape, colour etc.
    This product is a replacement part as the original version has been discontinued. The product may differ from the original version - e.g. shape, colour etc.
    The product is only suitable for models with commercial code as listed after the dash.

    WISL106IT - 80377350000
    WISL106IT.1 - 46546530100
    WISL106ITV - 80431430000
    WISL106ITV/Y - 80431430075
    WISL125DE - 80304820000
    WISL125DE.1 - 46546890100
    WISL125DEV - 80399600100
    WISL125DEV/Y - 80399600075
    WISL125XEX - 80305600000
    WISL1000OTEU - 80381540000
    WISL1000OTEUV - 80399630100

    WISN61CSI - 24535450200
    WISN62CSI - 24535440000
    WISN80CSI - 24594920000
    WISN81CSI - 24535460200
    WISN82CSI - 24535430000
    WISN100CSI - 24594930000
    WISN101CSI - 24535470200

    WIU61CSI - 24345150900
    WIU80CSI - 24427380000
    WIU81CSI - 24345160900
    WIU82CSI - 24350100000
    WIU100CSI - 24427390000
    WIU102CSI - 24345170900

    WIUE10CSI - 24397420100

    and other models…
    In stock. Del 3-5 work days.
    Read more.
  • Door interlock, Indesit washing machine
    This product is an alternative version, which can be used as a replacement for the original. The product might vary from the previous edition in shape, colour etc.
    This product is a replacement part as the original version has been discontinued. The product may differ from the original version - e.g. shape, colour etc.
    The product is only suitable for models with commercial code as listed after the dash.

    WIUL83CSI - 24359720000
    WIUL83CSI/Y - 24359720275
    WIUL103CSI - 24359730900
    WIUL103CSI/Y - 24359730275
    WIUL103EU - 24547550100

    WIUN61CSI - 24535240200
    WIUN80CSI - 24535290200
    WIUN81CSI - 24535250200
    WIUN82CSI - 24535270200
    WIUN83CIS - 24776650000
    WIUN100CSI - 24535420200
    WIUN102CSI - 24535260200
    WIUN103CSI - 24761290000
    WIUN104CIS - 24800890000
    WIUN105CIS - 24799790000

    WIV60IT - 46302290000
    WIV80IT - 46302280000

    WIXE8CSI - 24547660200
    WIXE10CSI - 24547590200
    WIXE12FR - 91397450000
    WIXE12FR.1 - 46545290100
    WIXE12FRV - 80411150100
    WIXE13FRV - 80441120000
    WIXE14FR.1 - 46545300100
    WIXE107EX - 46535570000
    WIXE127DE - 46545310100

    and other models…
    In stock. Del 3-5 work days.
    Read more.
  • Door interlock, Indesit washing machine
    This product is an alternative version, which can be used as a replacement for the original. The product might vary from the previous edition in shape, colour etc.
    This product is a replacement part as the original version has been discontinued. The product may differ from the original version - e.g. shape, colour etc.
    The product is only suitable for models with commercial code as listed after the dash.

    WIXE127EX - 91305750000
    WIXE127EX.R - 30568100100
    WIXE127SDE - 80546340100
    WIXE127SEX - 80464370100
    WIXE127UK - 91377340000
    WIXE127UKTEV - 46514120000
    WIXE127UKV - 80411100100
    WIXE147DE - 46545410100
    WIXE147EUTE - 46504060000
    WIXE167DE - 80546330100
    WIXE167UK - 80464290100

    WIXL12FR - 91344540000
    WIXL12FRTE - 46503750000
    WIXL12FRTE/Y - 46503750075
    WIXL12NLTEV/Y - 46515090075
    WIXL14NL - 46515100000
    WIXL14NLTEV/Y - 46515100075
    WIXL16NL - 80464420100
    WIXL65AG - 46546210100
    WIXL83CSI - 24547680200
    WIXL84EX - 91335860000
    WIXL85ES - 46471950000
    WIXL85EU - 46471950000
    WIXL85EU/Y - 46471950075
    WIXL85EX - 91305770000

    and other models…
    In stock. Del 3-5 work days.
    Read more.
  • Door interlock, Indesit washing machine
    This product is an alternative version, which can be used as a replacement for the original. The product might vary from the previous edition in shape, colour etc.
    This product is a replacement part as the original version has been discontinued. The product may differ from the original version - e.g. shape, colour etc.
    The product is only suitable for models with commercial code as listed after the dash.

    WIXL85EX/Y - 91305770075
    WIXL85PL - 91305790000
    WIXL85SEX - 80464350100
    WIXL85SLCSI - 24547710200
    WIXL86EU - 91368880000
    WIXL86EU.R - 30568250100
    WIXL86EU/Y - 91368880075
    WIXL86IT - 91302250000
    WIXL86ITTE - 46517120000
    WIXL86ITTEV/Y - 46517120075
    WIXL95AG - 46546440100
    WIXL101TK - 91304940000
    WIXL101TK.R - 30568150100
    WIXL103CSI - 24547670200
    WIXL104EU - 91319470000
    WIXL104EUTEV - 46537920000
    WIXL104EUTEV/Y - 46537920075
    WIXL105DE - 46504070000
    WIXL105DE/Y - 46504070075
    WIXL105ES - 46471960000
    WIXL105EU - 46471960000
    WIXL105EU/Y - 46471960075
    WIXL105EX - 91305860000
    WIXL105EX60HZ - 91305840000
    WIXL105KW - 91305830000

    and other models…
    In stock. Del 3-5 work days.
    Read more.
  • Door interlock, Indesit washing machine
    This product is an alternative version, which can be used as a replacement for the original. The product might vary from the previous edition in shape, colour etc.
    This product is a replacement part as the original version has been discontinued. The product may differ from the original version - e.g. shape, colour etc.
    The product is only suitable for models with commercial code as listed after the dash.

    WIXL105KW/Y - 91305830975
    WIXL105SEX - 80464380100
    WIXL105SLCSI - 24547700200
    WIXL106EU - 91368890000
    WIXL106EUTEV/Y - 46537930075
    WIXL106FR - 46543000000
    WIXL106FRTEV/Y - 46543000075
    WIXL106IT - 91302240000
    WIXL106ITTEV - 46517110075
    WIXL106ITTEV.N/Y - 46646010075
    WIXL106ITV - 80410870100
    WIXL115EU - 46465550100
    WIXL115EUTEV/Y - 46465550075
    WIXL123SUK.1 - 80555250000
    WIXL123SUK/Y - 80464240075
    WIXL123SUK1Y - 80555250075
    WIXL123UK - 46494720000
    WIXL123UK.1T - 46555260075
    WIXL123UK.1TEV - 46555260075
    WIXL123UKTEV/Y - 46494720075
    WIXL124NL - 46515090000
    WIXL125AUS - 91305810000
    WIXL125DE - 46504080000
    WIXL125DETEV/Y - 46504080075

    and other models…
    In stock. Del 3-5 work days.
    Read more.
  • Door interlock, Indesit washing machine
    This product is an alternative version, which can be used as a replacement for the original. The product might vary from the previous edition in shape, colour etc.
    This product is a replacement part as the original version has been discontinued. The product may differ from the original version - e.g. shape, colour etc.
    The product is only suitable for models with commercial code as listed after the dash.

    WIXL125EX - 91305870000
    WIXL125EXTE - 46504050000
    WIXL125EXTEV/Y - 46504050075
    WIXL125EXV - 80410990100
    WIXL125IN - 46600030000
    WIXL125IRAN - 91383250000
    WIXL125ME.C - 80609280000
    WIXL125ME/Y - 91383250075
    WIXL125SEU - 80465530100
    WIXL125SEU/Y - 80465530075
    WIXL126IT - 91302210000
    WIXL126ITTEV/Y - 46517090075
    WIXL126UK - 91377330002
    WIXL126UKV - 80411090100
    WIXL128IT - 91302211075
    WIXL128IT.R - 30568210100
    WIXL133UK - 46583340000
    WIXL135EU - 46465510100
    WIXL135EUTEV/Y - 46465510075
    WIXL143SUK/Y - 80464250075
    WIXL143UK - 46494730000
    WIXL143UKTEV - 46494730075
    WIXL143UKTEV/Y - 46494730075
    WIXL145DE - 46504090000

    and other models…
    In stock. Del 3-5 work days.
    Read more.
  • Door interlock, Indesit washing machine
    This product is an alternative version, which can be used as a replacement for the original. The product might vary from the previous edition in shape, colour etc.
    This product is a replacement part as the original version has been discontinued. The product may differ from the original version - e.g. shape, colour etc.
    The product is only suitable for models with commercial code as listed after the dash.

    WIXL145DETEV/Y - 46504090075
    WIXL145EU - 46494710000
    WIXL145EUTEV/Y - 46494710075
    WIXL163SUK - 80464260100
    WIXL163SUK/Y - 80464260075
    WIXL163UK - 80464400100
    WIXL163UK/Y - 80464400075
    WIXL164NL/Y - 80464420075
    WIXL165DEV - 80464300100
    WIXL165EX - 80459370000
    WIXL165EX/Y - 80459370075
    WIXL1200OTEU - 91379260000
    WIXL1200OTFR - 91394870000
    WIXL1200OTUK - 91378560000

    WIXXE14FR.1 - 80545990100
    WIXXE14NL - 80545980100
    WIXXE110FR - 80549750100
    WIXXE127EU - 80548940000
    WIXXE127UK.C - 80700420000
    WIXXE127UK.R - 30603500000
    WIXXE147SUK - 80548540100
    WIXXE147UK.1 - 80588160000
    WIXXE167SUK - 80548500100
    WIXXE167UK - 80595250000

    and other models…
    In stock. Del 3-5 work days.
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  • Door interlock, Indesit washing machine
    This product is an alternative version, which can be used as a replacement for the original. The product might vary from the previous edition in shape, colour etc.
    This product is a replacement part as the original version has been discontinued. The product may differ from the original version - e.g. shape, colour etc.
    The product is only suitable for models with commercial code as listed after the dash.

    WIXXL86EU.1 - 80545360100
    WIXXL86EU.1/Y - 80545360075
    WIXXL100FR.1 - 80545450075
    WIXXL105EX60HZ.C - 80603490000
    WIXXL105KW.C - 80605240000
    WIXXL106EU.1 - 80545370100
    WIXXL106EU.1/Y - 80545370075
    WIXXL108IT.R - 30568220100
    WIXXL120FR.1 - 80545960100
    WIXXL126EU.1 - 80545380100
    WIXXL126EU.1/Y - 80545380075
    WIXXL126SEU.1 - 80581490000
    WIXXL127EU - 94465570100
    WIXXL128IT.R - 30590870000
    WIXXL128SIT - 80545390100
    WIXXL146EU.1 - 80545400100
    WIXXL146FR - 80548930000
    WIXXL146FR/Y - 80548930075
    WIXXL148IT.R - 30568270100
    WIXXL166EU.R - 30568300100
    WIXXL168IT.R - 30545440100

    WM12XUK - 80272310000

    WMA1600EU - 30707430000

    and other models…
    In stock. Del 3-5 work days.
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  • Door interlock, Indesit washing machine
    This product is an alternative version, which can be used as a replacement for the original. The product might vary from the previous edition in shape, colour etc.
    This product is a replacement part as the original version has been discontinued. The product may differ from the original version - e.g. shape, colour etc.
    The product is only suitable for models with commercial code as listed after the dash.

    WME6X - 80272280000
    WME12XIT - 80272300000

    XWA61051WEU - 30826310000
    XWA61051WPL - 30826350000
    XWA61051WWGIT - 30826110000
    XWA61052XWWGGIT - 30855460100
    XWA61251WEU - 30826070000
    XWA61251WWBFR - 30825470000
    XWA61252WFR - 30855680100
    XWA61451WEU - 30826180000
    XWA61451WFR - 30825480000
    XWA71051WEU - 30826320000
    XWA71051WPL - 30826360000
    XWA71052WTK - 30826480000
    XWA71052WWGIT - 30826130000
    XWA71052XWWGGIT - 30855450100
    XWA71251WEU - 30826010000
    XWA71251WWGEU - 30826020000
    XWA71252SFR - 30839510000
    XWA71252WEU - 30825970000
    XWA71252WSGFR - 30839300000
    XWA71252WWBFR - 30839500000
    XWA71451WFR - 30825710000
    XWA71451WWBEU - 30826200000

    and other models…
    In stock. Del 3-5 work days.
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  • Door interlock, Indesit washing machine
    This product is an alternative version, which can be used as a replacement for the original. The product might vary from the previous edition in shape, colour etc.
    This product is a replacement part as the original version has been discontinued. The product may differ from the original version - e.g. shape, colour etc.
    The product is only suitable for models with commercial code as listed after the dash.

    XWA71451WWGU - 30826450000
    XWA71451WWGUK - 30826450000
    XWA71452WFR - 30855740100

    and other models…
    In stock. Del 3-5 work days.
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  • Door interlock, Indesit washing machine
    This product is an alternative version, which can be used as a replacement for the original. The product might vary from the previous edition in shape, colour etc.
    This product is a replacement part as the original version has been discontinued. The product may differ from the original version - e.g. shape, colour etc.












    and other models…
    In stock. Del 3-5 work days.
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  • Door interlock, Indesit washing machine
    This product is an alternative version, which can be used as a replacement for the original. The product might vary from the previous edition in shape, colour etc.
    The product is only suitable for models with commercial code as listed after the dash.

    BAMR400PT - 46128150000
    BAMR400STPT - 46128140000
    BAMR600PT - 46128160000
    BAMR600XP - 46041570000

    EU400T - 46060260000
    EU405TX - 46060270000
    EU600TPX - 46060280000

    FAR-L1591 - 37019090000

    FRIAC-WA100X - 37046830000
    FRIAC-WA120X - 37046840000

    HW800T - 46045440000

    IW460D - 46048010000
    IW860D - 46048020000
    IW860XD - 46048030000

    L1524-FAR - DUM0111258
    L620X - 46003360000
    L620XITT - 46051000000

    LIMPIA3-INOX - 46002820000

    LM400PT - 46128210000
    LM400STPT - 46128200000
    LM620X - 46050980000

    MISSI-WDOWI - 37002890000

    MISSIWDOGI - AQ002900760

    MISSWD1001BF - 37012240000

    SGL4S - 46070770000
    SGL4T - 46070790000
    SGL4X - 46070780000
    SGL6T - 46070800000

    SN676XWI - 46023330000
    SN686XWE - 46028090000
    SN687XWE - 46042660000
    SN696XWI - 46002860000

    W60WI - 37002840000
    W80WI - DUM0111150
    W402WF - 46055190000
    W406WF - 46046670000

    and other models…
    Preorder - Del 4-6 work days.
    Read more.
  • Door interlock, Indesit washing machine
    This product is an alternative version, which can be used as a replacement for the original. The product might vary from the previous edition in shape, colour etc.
    The product is only suitable for models with commercial code as listed after the dash.

    BA47TXEU - 80127430000
    BA48TX/1GR - 80152190000
    BA48TXGR/1 - 80143510000
    BA48TXGRIT - 80121120000
    BA58TX/1GR - 80152200000
    BA58TXGRIT - 80121130000
    BA65TX/1CO - 80152250000
    BA65TXCO - 80127400000
    BA67TX/1EU - 80152230000
    BA67TXEU - 80127440000
    BA68TX/1GR - 80152210000
    BA68TXGRIT - 80121140000

    C450 - AQ060250000
    C450. - 80028880000
    C450T - DUM0106030
    C450T. - 80028900000

    ECW850 - 80071280000
    ECW1000 - 80071290000
    ECW1200 - 80071300000
    ECW1400 - 80071310000

    EWA1000NL - 80174370000
    EWA1200NL - 80174380000
    EWA1400NL - 80174390000

    GA8TPDE - 46229100100
    GA12TXDE - 80229090000

    IN-WMS12TXDE - 80120770000

    INWMS6T - 80059420000

    IW1070XD - 80048040000
    IW1071XD - 80066790000
    IW1270XD - 80048050000
    IW1271XD - 80066800000

    IWT2270XD - 80048060000

    L548IT - 46245030000
    L648IT - 46245040000
    L1525 - 80052330000
    L1592 - 80052340000

    and other models…
    Preorder - Del 4-6 work days.
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  • Door interlock, Indesit washing machine
    This product is an alternative version, which can be used as a replacement for the original. The product might vary from the previous edition in shape, colour etc.
    The product is only suitable for models with commercial code as listed after the dash.

    L1593FAR - 80126290000

    LNA855FR - 46276950000

    LWM600X - 91267540000
    LWM1000X - 91267550000

    MA670TSA - DUM0106567

    MLTI900 - 80167470000
    MLTI1200 - 80167250000

    S88 - DUM0106028
    S800UK - 80184130000
    S1000UK - 80184140000
    S1200AUK - 80221060000
    S1200UK - 80184150000

    SGE12XUK - 80272410100

    VOG8TXB - 80013010000
    VOG8TXB/1FR - 80058930000
    VOG8TXBFR - AQ030740404
    VOG8TXFR - AQ030730403
    VOG8TXM - 80021890000
    VOG8TXM/1FR - 80058940000

    W6EX - 46247700000
    W40DI - 46137360000
    W41SP - 46275050000
    W41TDI - 46137370000
    W42TPE - 46180920000
    W43AG - 46247660000
    W43EX - 46233110100
    W43FR - 46233120100
    W43IT - 46232990100
    W43SP - 46275060000
    W43TAG - 46233230100
    W43TEX - 46233060100
    W43TEX50-60HZ - 46233240000
    W43TXE - 46175830000
    W43X(IT) - 46255460000
    W44IT - 46232940100
    W44TXDI - 46137380000

    and other models…
    Preorder - Del 4-6 work days.
    Read more.
  • Door interlock, Indesit washing machine
    This product is an alternative version, which can be used as a replacement for the original. The product might vary from the previous edition in shape, colour etc.
    The product is only suitable for models with commercial code as listed after the dash.

    W44XIT - 46255470000
    W51SP - 46275070000
    W53FR - 46254710000
    W53IT - 46233000100
    W53SP - 46233380100
    W53TEX - 46247670000
    W61TXDI - 46137390000
    W62TE - 46151990000
    W63EX - 46233070100
    W63FR - 46233410100
    W63IT - 46232950000
    W63SP - 46233160100
    W63TEX - 46233050100
    W63TK - 46247610000
    W63X(IT) - 46255440000
    W64IT - 46244130000
    W65TE - 46175840000
    W82TXCE - 80221210000
    W82TXE - 46152000000
    W84TXEXBG - 91275580000
    W84TXEXTE - 46264910000
    W84XSP - 80234090100
    W84XSSP - 80244690000
    W85FR - 46276990000
    W94FR - 46233430100
    W101UK - 46286260000
    W103NL - 46246000000
    W103TTK - 46233370100
    W1048TDE - 80084300000
    W104DE - 46248340000
    W104NL - 46233860100
    W105FR - 46277000000
    W105NL - 46246010000
    W105TXR(BG) - 91270890000
    W108XSP - 80234080100
    W115FR - 46246140000
    W120EU - 91295160000
    W123UK(BG) - 91268710000

    and other models…
    Preorder - Del 4-6 work days.
    Read more.
  • Door interlock, Indesit washing machine
    This product is an alternative version, which can be used as a replacement for the original. The product might vary from the previous edition in shape, colour etc.
    The product is only suitable for models with commercial code as listed after the dash.

    W143SUK - 80270590000
    W143UK - 80275300000
    W143XNL - 80234170000
    W144XDE - 80248410000
    W144XNL - 80234190100
    W144XSNL - 80247430000
    W145XDE - 80248420000
    W146XDE - 80248430000
    W146XSDE - 80264610000
    W165TXEX - 80247960100
    W165XNL - 80247640100
    W166XDE - 80264640000
    W405PWF - 46169360000
    W405TXU - 46185870000
    W406PDI - 46169370000
    W415TPDI - 46169380000
    W425SDE - 80030270000
    W428TPZ(IT) - 46219860000
    W431TXEX - 46255450000
    W431TXEX(BG) - 91279390000
    W432PT - 46233180100
    W432SIT - 46248060100
    W435PT - 46233190000
    W445TPI - 46171420000
    W524PT - 46246260000
    W535PT - 46233850100
    W543GIT - 46256880000
    W550ITT - DUM0106360
    W555ITT - DUM0106424

    and other models…
    Preorder - Del 4-6 work days.
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  • Door interlock, Indesit washing machine
    This product is an alternative version, which can be used as a replacement for the original. The product might vary from the previous edition in shape, colour etc.
    The product is only suitable for models with commercial code as listed after the dash.

    W600BPE - 80070910000
    W600WPE - 80049590000
    W610TPZ(IT) - 46219870000
    W630FR - 46246130000
    W634PT - 46246270000
    W642TX(EX) - 46255480000
    W642TXEX(BG) - 91279400000
    W646XSPT - 80266580000
    W650ITT - DUM0106359
    W663WL - 80028840000
    W665TPI - 46169440000
    W800XBPE - 80070920000
    W800XWPE - 80049580000
    W848TDE - 80084290000
    W850ITT - DUM0106361
    W857XSPT - 80266610000
    W1248TDE - 80084310000
    W1258TEDE - 80084320000
    W1458TEDE - 80084330000
    W4521E - 46253770100
    W6521E - 46253780100

    WA6PT - 46276390000
    WA6XIT - 80268810000
    WA8PT - 46276400000
    WA8XIT - 80268820000
    WA8XSIT - 80269190000
    WA10PT - 46276410000
    WA10XIT - 80268830100
    WA81E - 80053180000
    WA85X - 80053080000
    WA105X - 80053090000
    WA125X - 80053100000
    WA145X - 80135180000

    and other models…
    Preorder - Del 4-6 work days.
    Read more.
  • Door interlock, Indesit washing machine
    This product is an alternative version, which can be used as a replacement for the original. The product might vary from the previous edition in shape, colour etc.
    The product is only suitable for models with commercial code as listed after the dash.

    WA1010 - 91258520000
    WA1012 - 91258530000
    WA1051X - 80171080000
    WA1060 - 80052720000
    WA1065 - 80061770000
    WA1251X - 80171090000
    WA1260 - 80052730000
    WA1265 - 80061780000
    WA1451X - 80171100000
    WA16-1200 - 91258540000

    WAD3300X - 80135190000
    WAD3301X - 80171110000

    WD10UK - 80250560000
    WD11UK - 80250580000
    WD12SUK - 80255380100
    WD12UK - 80250570000
    WD12XUK - 80272330000
    WD83XE - 80152010000
    WD84EX - 80249060000
    WD84TEX - 80249070100
    WD86FR - 80256900000
    WD104TEX - 80249080100
    WD105TEX - 80249090000
    WD105TEX220-60 - 80276030000
    WD106FR - 80256910000
    WD118SP - 80263350000
    WD125TEX - 80249100200
    WD125TSEX - 80271520000
    WD1279TXDE - 80060040000
    WD2260 - 80062080000

    WDE12UK - 80263820000
    WDE12X - 80272320000

    and other models…
    Preorder - Del 4-6 work days.
    Read more.
  • Door interlock, Indesit washing machine
    This product is an alternative version, which can be used as a replacement for the original. The product might vary from the previous edition in shape, colour etc.
    The product is only suitable for models with commercial code as listed after the dash.

    WDG985BG - 80084080000
    WDG1095GH(G) - 80220740000
    WDG1095WG - 80084100000
    WDG1195WG - 80084110000
    WDG1295WG - 80156670000

    WDN866WF - 80041350000
    WDN867WF - 80066700000
    WDN896XWE - 80121000000
    WDN896XWI - 80041370000
    WDN966BG - 80048490000
    WDN966WG - 80041320000
    WDN1000WO - 80141880000
    WDN1079WG - 80051980000
    WDN2066WF - 80052320000
    WDN2067WF - 80059530000
    WDN2096WF - 80041360000
    WDN2100XWSK - 80041410000
    WDN2101XWSK - 80041420000
    WDN2196WG - 80041330000
    WDN2196XWE - 80054050000
    WDN2196XWE/1 - 80123110000
    WDN2296XWO - 55041390000
    WDN2296XWU - 80083800000

    WE6IT - 80248140001
    WE8IT - 80248150000
    WE8XEO - 80267440100
    WE8XR - 80269520100
    WE14SUK - 80271530000
    WE16DE - 80271510000
    WE16SUK - 80271540000
    WE16UK - 80251620100
    WE16XNL - 80247650100
    WE105XR - 80269530100
    WE800WO - 55049670000

    and other models…
    Preorder - Del 4-6 work days.
    Read more.
  • Door interlock, Indesit washing machine
    This product is an alternative version, which can be used as a replacement for the original. The product might vary from the previous edition in shape, colour etc.
    The product is only suitable for models with commercial code as listed after the dash.

    WE1000WO - 55049680000
    WE1034WO - 80142730000
    WE1200WO - 55049690000
    WE1234WO - 80142740000

    WES9XR - 80268920000

    WG4PD - 46168990000
    WG8PD - 46169000000
    WG9G - 46177760000
    WG9P(G) - 46184270000
    WG10TX - 80170980000
    WG12G - 80177770000
    WG12TX - 80170990000
    WG42I - 46154690000
    WG42TE - 46151980000
    WG43TXGI - 46128390000
    WG49TXS - 46217680000
    WG63TXGI - 46128400000
    WG67TXS - 46217690000
    WG420E - 46135740000
    WG420P - 46135690000
    WG420POM - 46183050000
    WG420PRA - 46245190000
    WG420PU - 46175050000
    WG420S - 46136320000
    WG420T - 46136350000
    WG420TH - 46147260000
    WG420TI - 46084380000
    WG420U - 46136230000
    WG421TI - 46154680000
    WG421TPEX - 46180810000
    WG421TPOM - 46183070000
    WG421TPR - 46175060000
    WG421TPRA - 46183060000
    WG421TR - 46144870000
    WG421TRA - 46145000000
    WG421TS - 46136330000
    WG421TS50-60 - 46163560000

    and other models…
    Preorder - Del 4-6 work days.
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  • Door interlock, Indesit washing machine
    This product is an alternative version, which can be used as a replacement for the original. The product might vary from the previous edition in shape, colour etc.
    The product is only suitable for models with commercial code as listed after the dash.

    WG421TU - 46136240000
    WG421TXI - 46084390000
    WG421TXR - 46144880000
    WG421TXS - 46136340000
    WG421TXS5060 - 46182560000
    WG421TXU - 46136250000
    WG422TF - 46135430000
    WG422TPOM - 46183080000
    WG422TT - 46136360000
    WG422XE - 46135750000
    WG425PP - 46175970000
    WG426TE - 46175780000
    WG426TPF - 46171000000
    WG426TPIT - 46232970100
    WG426TPP - 46175980000
    WG426TXE - 46135770000
    WG430TXEI - 46128370000
    WG431F - 46135420000
    WG431TI - 46142290000
    WG431TXOM - 46221590000
    WG432TXI - 46084400000
    WG432TXP - 46135710000
    WG433TXI - 46084410000
    WG434TX(R) - 46219710000
    WG434TXCR - 80227290000
    WG435PF - 46171010000
    WG435TPI - 46169410000
    WG436TPI - 46168660000
    WG436TXP - 46135720000
    WG437TPEI - 46169400000
    WG439TPS - 46217670000
    WG521F - 46145980000
    WG522TF - 46135440000

    and other models…
    Preorder - Del 4-6 work days.
    Read more.
  • Door interlock, Indesit washing machine
    This product is an alternative version, which can be used as a replacement for the original. The product might vary from the previous edition in shape, colour etc.
    The product is only suitable for models with commercial code as listed after the dash.

    WG522TXU - 46161410000
    WG525PF - 46171020000
    WG525TXP - 46154750000
    WG526T/1(E) - 46217050000
    WG526TE - 46175790000
    WG526TPF - 46171030000
    WG530TI - 46144380000
    WG531F - 46145990000
    WG535TPI - 46169420000
    WG620PG - 46180570000
    WG622TE - 46135780000
    WG622TPR - 46175070000
    WG622TR - 46144890000
    WG622TU - 46136260000
    WG623PZ - 46177970000
    WG623Z - 46136400000
    WG624TS - 46136370000
    WG625PEX - 46180790000
    WG625PF - 46218350000
    WG625SK - 46135200000
    WG625TE - 46175800000
    WG630TXI - 46084420000
    WG631TXI - 46084430000
    WG632TF - 46135450000
    WG633TXCR - 80227280000
    WG633TXR - 46136270000
    WG633TXU - 46144900000
    WG634TXOM - 46221600000
    WG635TPEX - 46183100000
    WG635TS - 46136390000
    WG635TXEI - 46128380000
    WG636TPF - 46171040000
    WG636TPI - 46168690000

    and other models…
    Preorder - Del 4-6 work days.
    Read more.
  • Door interlock, Indesit washing machine
    This product is an alternative version, which can be used as a replacement for the original. The product might vary from the previous edition in shape, colour etc.
    The product is only suitable for models with commercial code as listed after the dash.

    WG636TXE - 46135800000
    WG636TXP - 46135720000
    WG735PFR - 46184090000
    WG736TPFR - 46184080000
    WG810PTK - 46177630000
    WG820PG - 46175120000
    WG820TBE - 46166700000
    WG820TPBE - 46183110000
    WG820TPTK - 46183010000
    WG822TF - 46146000000
    WG824TE - 46135810000
    WG824TPR - 46175080000
    WG824TR - 46144910000
    WG826TPF - 46171050000
    WG830TG - 46135610000
    WG830TPG - 46175100000
    WG830TPTK - 46177640000
    WG830TXC(D) - 80221200000
    WG830TXD - 46147180000
    WG831F - 46135460000
    WG831TXCTK - 80221250000
    WG831TXTK - 46177650000
    WG833PG - 46175130000
    WG833TPIT - 46248170000
    WG834TU - 46136280000
    WG834TXC(IT) - 80221150000
    WG834TXI - 46084440000
    WG835PF - 46171060000
    WG835TSK - 46135210000
    WG835TXC(R) - 80221160000

    and other models…
    Preorder - Del 4-6 work days.
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  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22  

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