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Freezer door compartment - Ikea - Fridge & freezer

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  • Freezer compartment flap, Ikea fridge & freezer
    The product is only suitable for models with service no. as listed after the dash.

    Height - 177 mm
    Width - 440 mm
    Depth - 60 mm
    Colour - White
    Material - Plastic

    002.822.93 REW 120 REFRIGERATOR - 850370996000
    002.822.93 REW 120 REFRIGERATOR - 850370996001

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  • Freezer compartment flap, Ikea fridge & freezer
    The product is only suitable for models with product/PNC-no. as listed after the dash.

    Height - 180 mm
    Width - 470 mm
    Depth - 59 mm
    Material - Plastic

    LAGAN - 933012206-01
    LAGAN - 933012208-01
    LAGAN - 933012208-02
    LAGAN - 933012209-01
    LAGAN - 933012210-01
    LAGAN - 933012210-02
    LAGAN 00281953 - 933012209-02
    LAGAN 00281953 - 933012209-03

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    In stock. Del 3-5 work days.
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  • Freezer compartment flap, Ikea fridge & freezer
    Height - 160 mm
    Width - 520 mm

    001.235.34 CB 626 W REFRIGERATO - 855100396007
    200 150 67 - 853916196024
    300 793 32 - 853916115004
    302.823.76 UCW 84 REFRIGERATOR - 850385616000
    302.823.76 UCW 84 REFRIGERATOR - 850385616001
    302.823.76 UCW 84 REFRIGERATOR - 850385616002
    400 150 66 - 855100301343
    400 150 66 - 855100301344
    400 172 49 - 855100316093
    400 172 49 - 855100316094
    502.823.75 UCW 81 REFRIGERATOR - 850385615000
    502.823.75 UCW 81 REFRIGERATOR - 850385615001
    502.823.75 UCW 81 REFRIGERATOR - 850385615002
    802.823.74 UCW 80 REFRIGERATOR - 850385696000
    802.823.74 UCW 80 REFRIGERATOR - 850385696001
    802.823.74 UCW 80 REFRIGERATOR - 850385696002
    CB626 W001.235.34 - 855100396000
    CB626 W001.235.34 - 855100396001
    CB626 W001.235.34 - 855100396003
    CB626 W001.235.34 - 855100396004
    CB626 W001.235.34 - 855100396005
    CB646 WCH 501.235.36 - 855100316100
    CB646 WCH 501.235.36 - 855100316101
    CB646 WCH 501.235.36 - 855100316103

    and other models…
    In stock. Del 3-5 work days.
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  • Freezer compartment flap, Ikea fridge & freezer
    The product is only suitable for models with PNC-no. as listed after the dash.

    FSC100/17 40199485 - 933025028-00
    FSC100/17 40199485 - 933025028-02
    FSC100/17 40199485 - 933025028-03
    FSC100/17 70199484 - 933025027-00
    FSC100/17 70199484 - 933025027-02
    FSC100/17 70199484 - 933025027-03
    FSC100/17 70199484 - 933025027-04
    FSC100/17 90199483 - 933025029-00
    FSC100/17 90199483 - 933025029-02
    FSC100/17 90199483 - 933025029-03
    HUTTRA 90253738 - 933025039-00

    and other models…
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    Del 3-5 work days. Read more.
  • Freezer compartment flap, Ikea fridge & freezer
    The product is only suitable for models with service no. as listed after the dash.

    Height - 218 mm
    Width - 468 mm
    Depth - 45 mm

    345.370.10 - 855111396006
    345.370.10 - 855111396007
    500.162.30 - 855111316003
    500.162.30 - 855111316004
    500.162.30 - 855111316005
    500.162.30 - 855111316006
    500.162.30 - 855111316007
    500.162.30 - 855111316008
    545.369.10 - 855111301006
    545.369.10 - 855111301007
    CB603W 301.235.18 - 855111396010
    CB603W 301.235.18 - 855111396011
    CB605W 301.235.23 - 853974601000
    CB605W 301.235.23 - 853974601001
    CB643CH 101.235.19 - 855111316010
    CB643CH 101.235.19 - 855111316011
    CB645WCH 101.235.24 - 853974616000
    CB645WCH 101.235.24 - 853974616001
    CBI603W 545 369 10 - 855110701445
    CBI603W 545 369 10 - 855110701446
    CBI605W 045 376 10 - 855110901405
    CBI605W 045 376 10 - 855110901406
    CBI613W 345 370 10 - 855110796015
    CBI613W 345 370 10 - 855110796016
    CBI643W 500 162 30 - 855110716455
    CBI643W 500 162 30 - 855110716456

    and other models…
    Only 1 left!
    Del 3-5 work days. Read more.

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