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Handle & hinge - Ikea - Fridge & freezer

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  • Handle for freezer compartment flap, Ikea fridge & freezer
    The product is only suitable for models with service no. as listed after the dash.

    4537610 - 855110601001
    4537610 - 855110601002
    4537610 - 855110601003
    4537610 - 855110601004
    4537610 - 855110601005
    4537610 - 855110601006

    10016232 - 855110616001
    10016232 - 855110616002
    10016232 - 855110616003
    10016232 - 855110616004
    10016232 - 855110616005
    10016232 - 855110616006

    20015067 - 853916196023
    20015067 - 853916196024

    30079332 - 853916115001
    30079332 - 853916115002
    30079332 - 853916115003
    30079332 - 853916115004

    40015066 - 855100301341
    40015066 - 855100301342
    40015066 - 855100301343
    40015066 - 855100301344
    40017249 - 855100316091
    40017249 - 855100316092
    40017249 - 855100316093
    40017249 - 855100316094

    CB626W - 001.235.34 - 855100396004
    CB626W - 001.235.34 - 855100396001
    CB626W - 001.235.34 - 855100396000
    CB626W - 001.235.34 - 855100396003
    CB626W - 001.235.34 - 855100396005
    CB626W - 001.235.34 - 855100396007

    and other models…
    Only 1 left!
    Del 3-5 work days. Read more.
  • Handle for freezer compartment flap, Ikea fridge & freezer
    The product is only suitable for models with PNC-no. as listed after the dash.

    FORKYLD - 923435065-00
    FORKYLD - 923435066-00
    FORKYLD - 923435067-00
    FORKYLD - 923435067-02
    FORKYLD 702.823.41 - 923435066-02
    FORKYLD 902.823.40 - 923435065-02
    FSC100/17 - 933025027-00
    FSC100/17 - 933025027-02
    FSC100/17 - 933025027-03
    FSC100/17 - 933025027-04
    FSC100/17 - 933025028-00
    FSC100/17 - 933025028-02
    FSC100/17 - 933025028-03
    FSC100/17 - 933025029-00
    FSC100/17 - 933025029-02
    FSC100/17 - 933025029-03
    HUTTRA - 933025039-00
    LAGAN - 933012194-00
    LAGAN - 933012195-00
    LAGAN - 933012195-01
    LAGAN - 933012196-00
    LAGAN - 933012196-01
    LAGAN - 933012206-01
    LAGAN - 933012208-01
    LAGAN - 933012208-02
    LAGAN - 933012209-01
    LAGAN - 933012206-00
    LAGAN - 933012208-00
    LAGAN - 933012209-00
    LAGAN - 933012210-01
    LAGAN - 933012210-02
    LAGAN - 933012210-00
    LAGAN 00281953 - 933012209-02
    LAGAN 00281953 - 933012209-03
    LAGAN 00281953 - 933012209-04

    and other models…
    In stock. Del 3-5 work days.
    Read more.
  • Handle for freezer compartment flap, Ikea fridge & freezer
    LAGAN 004.969.39
    LAGAN 004.969.44
    LAGAN 103.349.65
    LAGAN 403.349.64
    LAGAN 603.349.63
    LAGAN 803.545.25

    and other models…
    In stock. Del 3-5 work days.
    Read more.

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